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Everything posted by LV

  1. If he does stay on despite losing the next match then this will be total confirmation that Ashley is trolling us.
  2. There might be too much fret
  3. It's going to end up with one of them streaking across the pitch at St James's
  4. It's been ok for months man
  5. Could he not just be trolling the journalist?
  6. I really hope you are right. I'll probably take the day off work the day he gets the bullet and just spend it dancing non-stop. Until Ashley appoints David O'Leary....
  7. Too f***ing right. I hate this s***. Really they should be suing Slade as he has tendered his resignation. They should let him look to his future now, it's only just begun. Class.
  8. Fair enough, no reflection on you. I just think it's going to end up as overblown bollocks because it's too good to be true.
  9. This is going to turn out to be complete bollocks isn't it
  10. This, think it's clear he wants to milk the club of everything it's got. This. I'm still convinced he wants to get maximum exposure for Sp*rts D*rect through owning us and in parallel take the piss out of us as much as possible. It's how he gets his kicks if you ask me.
  11. LV

    Adam Armstrong

    Calling him zero out of ten because he was nervous will really help his nerves like. Is this bloke for real?
  12. I know Neil Baldwin from my time at Keele University in the early 90s. He was a singular individual. The urban myth was that he was a professional footballer that had been run over by the number 18 bus that used to run through the campus and as a result was given a flat on the campus. Obviously that was utter bollocks. He used to watch us play 5-a-side and shout 'Ee-aww, donkey' whenever anyone f***ed up. I'm totally freaked out that they have now made a tv programme about him. Wtf. Was he nice and well-meaning like on this or a bit weird really? Bit of both really. He was a bit obsessed with the Nazis too. This fella is nothing like him to be fair.
  13. I know Neil Baldwin from my time at Keele University in the early 90s. He was a singular individual. The urban myth was that he was a professional footballer that had been run over by the number 18 bus that used to run through the campus and as a result was given a flat on the campus. Obviously that was utter bollocks. He used to watch us play 5-a-side and shout 'Ee-aww, donkey' whenever anyone fucked up. I'm totally freaked out that they have now made a tv programme about him. Wtf.
  14. LV

    Adam Armstrong

    That's right, bring it all back to you Alan you smarmy prick. Repugnant.
  15. It's because you are watching Sports Direct FC with Pardew's Pet 11 out on the pitch.
  16. Yep. All I heard though was one of our lot shouting "....you're fucking shite man" and assumed it was aimed at Pardew.
  17. You want Alan Pardew to forever go down in our club history as being manager when we won a cup? If we won that is, obviously.
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