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  1. The issue with the trust is that they basically jumped on the unrest of the fans in order to gain a huge number of members and have literally done nothing since except a send a few (incorrectly adressed) emails and do a few polls. There was a huge amount of momentum behind it, which in my opinion should have been used to seriously attack the club/Ashley, but because of the PC element behind it the opportunity was missed.
  2. Pretty much bang on the money. One thing everyone forgets when the margins are so tight is that its pretty much impossible to pin point the exact moment the attacker's boot touches the ball to make the initial pass. And that split second is the difference between being onside or offside. I.e. if you freeze the frame 0.1 second earlier it will still show the attacker is passing the ball, however the receiver would be onside
  3. "@lee_ryder Pardew on end of touchline ban: "I'm pretty sure I'd have stopped that goal if I'd been there." #nufc #swans " Not sure if this is real
  4. Given the injury situation I'd like to see this given a go... Elliott Debuchy MYM Taylor Haidara Cabaye Sissoko HBA Gouffran Jonas Cisse
  5. Mo Mo Mo it's Magic, you knooowww, you'll never get passed Sissokooo!
  6. That´s old It's also incorrect.
  7. Tiote woo-ooohh Tiote woo-ooohh He comes from Africa He'll Fckin flatten ya
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