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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. Sad but proud. We're desperate for another creative outlet outside of Trippier mind.
  2. Fucking hell what a let off. This is our time.
  3. The McSauce link wouldnt go away for a long time as well.
  4. Pixelphish

    Joey Barton

    Grifting is a legitimate career now.
  5. Do we need a cutaway of dyche everytime he claps ffs.
  6. Pixelphish

    Joey Barton

    Mental break, or decided to go down the Katie Hopkins route?
  7. What completely unrealistic names will they come up with as replacement. Potter? Cooper?
  8. Fucks sake man everyone is too fast. Fuck you all.
  9. https://x.com/CraigHope_DM/status/1731634082486886626?s=20
  10. Are refs worse than ever or are we just more sensitive to it now?
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