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Everything posted by Pixelphish

  1. If you're Southgate listening to that surely you think I want this guy in my squad?
  2. I'd forgotten about Allardyce's brother.
  3. Great post and something you forget can be so infuriating after sitting through an horrendous performance, only hear 'we wuz unlucky'.
  4. Is there any history with Dixon? For either club I guess to explain how gutted he was.
  5. Wondered the same So sick to his stomach he can't even talk.
  6. Why does Dixon appear to have an active dislkike for NUFC? He's absolutely gutted.
  7. I mean I was 10 years old but it's not like I was sat reading The Guardian.
  8. Don't think anyone begrudges their fanbase being absolutely shook. I wasnt old enough to see the media wide feel of Keegan quiting but I doubt it pales to the biblical outpouring of sorrow we're going to see over until the end of the season.
  9. What makes them think we'd accept a loan? Banking on being bully boys and Trippier kicking off surely. Bayern in the mud.
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