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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Fucking hell Wilson, if you continued that run. Now Brighton is going to sub in some quality.
  2. Why cant we make things tidy, fucking hell. Thats a FUCKING SHITE GOAL TO GIVE AWAY
  3. Haha I was shouting for him to square it to Big Joe there. But Miggy has almost everything right. Man is everywhere tormenting Mitoma and Estupian. Immense half.
  4. Aye, dont give that liverpool cunt of a ref any chance to get us one man down. Shithouse them back instead.
  5. I take my hat off, but that Van Hecken guy is doing a lot of work for us back there, he is so so fucking scared and messing up easy passing options. No wonder we let him have the ball for a bit, man walks in to people and loses it. Although 100% Undav off and Mac Allister on, and if De Zerbie has any sense that hecken guy will get subbed as well.
  6. Finally Burn, continue with those offensive headers now please! It was a beaut!
  7. Pope needs fucking kicking training, He has given away every ball.
  8. Aye, he does. But that other lad is fucking nervy
  9. Aye, check the pre-match thread. People found out that he supports Liverpool.
  10. Yeah he is a Liverpool fan, like. So no wonder.
  11. this liverpoolian ref can fucking brake a leg, dogshit fucker
  12. Im bricking it, like. They are a very scary side. But the wankfest if we beat them. Oh my
  13. Going to be difficult not having some sort of thought to this if major calls go against us every time.
  14. If there is a football god, let us go out like we did against Spurs, please!
  15. That seems very dubious decision even if he isn't officially a part of any of the Liverpool clubs. What the fuck is the FA up to?
  16. Aye its all on the players to perform now that it really counts. If they want CL they will have to play at the top of their game which has happened. I hope we do grab CL cause it will open up so many doors already, but if not then it’s down to the players. We had the point gap to settle this.
  17. On par with most of the goods they make then.
  18. Considering Tierney’s knees blow up all the time, it wont be long until he is back in that position
  19. That scares me tbf. If we go out and attack we will get slapped like Arsenal. - Gotta play some defensive trap and invite them up the pitch.
  20. worthy

    Anthony Gordon

    For 45 million I expect much much more. Considering what that can get you in terms of talent outside England. We should have spent the cash better.
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