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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Tbf, a good PR move to get out of it clean would be to say you recieved threats. Now they might as well be legit since there are nutters out there who probably feel like the would need to prove how bad rape is by harming someone near the top bosses. But at the same time, I feel that people like that could not care less about Oldham or who the fuck ever that employs Evans. Either way, he is boned now. No one will go near his PR mess. Sucks to be you, shouldn't have been a cockhead.
  2. He is actually fucking worse then Elliot. Get rid.
  3. He is fucking off, fucking off I am crying, running around naked, yelling. I think my neighbors might call the cops soon.
  4. Is... Is this the start of Ashley fucking off from our club? I might actually just start crying.. tears of joy! tears of hope! tears of THE FUCKING CUNTS MIGHT BE GONE
  5. He needs to get out before he ruins his carrier
  6. Thought about it, so I changed it up. It wasn't aimed at Wullie
  7. Hope he get dogshit smeared in his food, f***ing pisscunt
  8. Why wont people see his fucking record? Its abyssimal. Probably the worst record of any manager being at a club for more then 1 year.
  9. f*** off mate Nah, he should have done it. Shit play to shoot when Sissoko was clear on goal. Its called fucking vision.
  10. The finishing of sunderland must be the worst I have ever seen.
  11. So the fuck what? It would have been a goal if he played Sissoko!
  12. fuck me, thats got to hurt. Thank god that Staylor isnt the brightest lad, the brain wont mind!
  13. THe fuck? who was the guy that grabbed after Sissoko? Should get a right kick in the face
  14. I dont know how Perez actually gets s*** done with the passes he recieves. But by god, we would be so much more toothless if it wasn't for his random magic. EDIT: And that Tiote shoot scream, stop it you cunts!
  15. We played well for 10 mins. The last 20 we've ben right rubbish
  16. So when will Pardew start pimping him to other clubs for daddy ash?
  17. Yeah, Gouff as Ribery, Williamson as Boateng and Colback as Götze, I can see the comparisons he did.
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