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Everything posted by worthy

  1. It was looming. This is what happens when we have a #10 that cant play as a #10 and a striker who cant put away chances. EDIT: I truly hope the worst for the fat cunt. "with no money"
  2. Two handed push, Atsu should have gone down and gotten that cunt a yellow
  3. Joselu...... He doesn't even know where the goal is. Blind shot
  4. Dont worry, lads. We are getting the Ameobi bros together again!
  5. We have used up our yearly use of "Monitoring/Watching/Pushing for" statements. They needed something new!
  6. Are you watching a tape from wankership? Cause it doesnt actually look like we even have a team on the pitch much of the time.
  7. I think this used to be a problem with the housing market, mortgages etc, where you could do all kind of dodgy s*** just by claiming you value your shed at £3.2m or your rockstar mansion at £1. Unsurprisingly I think there are ways of demonstrating things are falsely valued to avoid money laundering by selling valuable properties for nowt or getting huge loans on worthless buildings. Aye, we had a lot of shit with that stuff, still do to some degree. But I mean, if its a smaller amount (I would assume not because of the raid etc). It would probably be harder to prove the worth of the image if its smaller amounts. Guess it all depends on the gamble.
  8. I know shit all about business laws, but paying someone lower wage and higher imagerights would be some sort of loophole I would think. I mean if they value ginger thundercunt's image for lets say 10 quid and a snickers, and he gets payed in gummybears thats for the "buyer" to apprice the value, isnt it? If they feel the image is "worth" more then the player. I mean its sneaky as fuck, but still.
  9. Also, that fucking penalty we should have had though. Its insane how Mbemba didnt get it. "It evens out" my ass...
  10. Why the fuck are both the ginger fuckwad and Laca in the same zone? Jesus fuck.
  11. This is even worse then before. I actually had hope that the fat fucking cunt had changed and this was a new chapter. But instead he fucking rewinds the tape and go back to his old stupid fucking ways. Why wouldn't you give Rafa what he asked for. Its clear for everyone that we need a few extra players. But when (cause its a when since he got stabbed in the back) Rafa goes. I am totally done.
  12. I am fucking fuming. Fuck this selection and fuck the late late subs. Just drive off without cockbags on the bus.
  13. Please please please god, fucking take out Colbacks leg, both of them. so he is out for the season. Useless fucking cunt
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