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Everything posted by worthy

  1. Getting ridiculed in international media as well over this shit. Fuck me, I really hope he is high as fuck and just making shit up, and the club feels so bad that they dont know how to answer.
  2. So, do people still think we'll be having a better season?
  3. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Should get an manager to do a Football Nightmare - where they could scream and shout Pardew out of his smug, arrogant ways and maybe actually make him a decent manager.
  4. Need to print my Roo.. aww somebody already said it. Fuck it..
  5. Please revolt and get the sack of shit Pardew fired Yohan. We might raise a statue of you right away then!
  6. As stated before, I think the only way any protest would effect him is if people just dont buy ST's and/or regular tickets. If the money stops coming in he might be forced to do something. Sadly I think Pardew will stay on until the day that people actually cant be bothered coming to matches anymore.
  7. Gouffran is a great player to have in your side, his work-ethic combined with that he can actually pass and cross (jonas) makes this a crazy buy for the cheap sum we gave.
  8. hahah at the mackem running at the stoke players. Classy.
  9. Oh god, fucking batter them you shit club of tall players!
  10. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Wonder if they would ban everyone that tossed shit if the whole side behind the bench decided to throw cups filled with piss on him.
  11. The table doesnt lie. Sadly.
  12. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Dont play with me like that!
  13. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Should have fucked off in January, thanks everyone that gave him a chance to fuck us up.
  14. I hope all the cunts who wanted give pardew over January fucks off to never be seen again. Protests should have been done a long time ago
  15. I hope to dear god that bike is photoshopped in that picture.
  16. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    Seriously? if the players are unfit then there is clearly a problem with how train and that is down to the manager. It's not a coincidence we have so many hamstring injuries and other pulls, you don't get those through being unlucky you get that by poor preparation. There is nothing magic about it, why do you think the big clubs get few injuries that are related to hamstrings and the like? Because they prepare properly, if these consistent hamstring injuries are anything to go by we obviously don't. We hardly had a player out all last season. Do you think Pardew has made a change to the fitness regime that has led to a worsening of the situation? I tend to think it's more to do with the fact we played our 50th game of the season over the weekend but we only played 43 in the whole of last season. None of our players have played over 40 games, only 4 have played more than 30, and one of them is a goalkeeper. Meanwhile most of Chelsea's first team players are on around 45-50 games. And he still continues to use it as an excuse... Even worse that people actually believe him on this shit.
  17. Why do you insist on keeping Jonas on the pitch almost all the minutes that are possible and play him where he does not suit to play. About Sissoko, why do you play a clearly box to box mid that suits the Yaya Toure style as a number 10 when we have Marv, HBA, Cabaye whom can fill that role much better?
  18. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    So if it wasn't luck. How come he cannot reproduce any of it. We had quite a few injuries last year as well. Ba scoring on every half-chance then Cisse comes in and does the same isn't luck then. Or how about our average SoT/Chance stats, cant be that amazing I would think.
  19. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    I hope you are just being an wum. Because f*** me thats so dense it actually might make my soul die a bit. No, i'm being serious, I swear he doesn't actually watch the game. I really want to punch him in the face. This man truly makes me actually go fucking nutter. Jesus how can he even say that, I know the cunt is terrible but he must be trolling and shitting on us for fun now.
  20. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    I hope you are just being an wum. Because fuck me thats so dense it actually might make my soul die a bit.
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