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Everything posted by worthy

  1. ugh, not a great start. And I hate when people in the wall jump and go sideways to protect their face or whatnot.
  2. worthy

    Loïc Remy

    Oh man, karma is just being so kind to us at the moment
  3. worthy


    I just feel like I die a bit inside everytime I read one of their threads. Danny Graham is the next Pele now he has signed for the twats. And Gouffran is just a weak frenchie whoms record is shite from a shite league. I actually feel bad for them, sometimes.
  4. Haha, aye. I actually do that as well.
  5. In front of the back four it looked. Looked more like a midfielder in a flat 4-4-2 to me. It looked like everyone ran in to random spaces, he was the striker and a winger at one point
  6. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    The twat loves his "tackler"
  7. Someone take him out in training, the thick cunt of a manager loves him too much to drop him
  8. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    I really fucking hate you pardew, shit subs, abysimal tactics in 2nd half. Yanga-Mbiwa as a striker and Jonas for 90 minutes. So fucking thick cunt
  9. This makes the window perfect as long as no crazy sales happens on the last day.
  10. EpicITK @epicitk Newcastle bid for Catts (for me like)
  11. I've just had my bath, I feel left out now. More bath's are needed!
  12. Haha, I really think we'll be able to survive as long as Pardew use our new signings ASAP and dont bench them for Supah Shola and Jonas for most of the matches.
  13. Karma is a bitch and I love it.
  14. Two men. Cabaye and Ben Arfa. IMO. Aye, I actually think that both Benny and Cabs have been instrumental in the process of tapping up these players. Without them I doubt some of these would consider us.
  15. Oh god, this is the best window ever. I am glad I was fucking daft and thought no one would join. I'll take it that I anti-jinxed it! Laughing like a madman at the office and getting odd looks.
  16. Well you know this is a lie, as no mackem has a job.
  17. worthy

    Alan Pardew

    2 wins in 17 games. Jonas and Shola playing for 90 minutes.
  18. Dismissed, apparently Sporting offered him to us but turned them down. I suppose Pardew/Ashley thought Shola was just a touch better...! This makes me fucking sad again.
  19. He was acting out because he wasn't playing as much as he wanted. Or something along those lines.
  20. Yes, yes. Continue to tap up all the international players!
  21. With our luck he will get injured and shola will need to play all the games for the rest of the season.
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