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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan

    U23s & Academy

    Na, but you'll be delighted to see Shane Ferguson's playing
  2. Quite shocked by this as it seems he was enjoying his football up here although it wouldn't surprise me if the club offered him his current wage with a few more bonuses thown in there. Not too fussed about him leaving as long as a replacement is brought in. Probably best for both parties if this happens in the summer though.
  3. Ray Wilkins is on top form tonight, loving it
  4. Ryan


    Still laughing at the 'FTM' they had on the banner
  5. Was gonna chuck a £1 on a 2-2 draw but forgot to go at dinnertime. Can't be bothered to walk up to the bookies now. Not registering my card on a betting site either before someone says something
  6. Aye, remember that Chelsea fans wasn't it? Or Arsenal?
  7. That's what I would go for as well. Taylor at RB though.
  8. 56 points with 4 to play tonight. Ba and Nani getting 42 of those points
  9. Hoping for us to get 9 points out of the next 3 games tbh, that would be terrific. Think we'll get 7 though. Really need to win this one though.
  10. Ryan


    I thought Spiderman would have been Jonas. CONFUSED.
  11. Ryan


    Who's Batman and Tigger? Oh... and Raylor :lol:
  12. 'Have a look at this Sunderland fans, up to 16th!'
  13. Steve Kean has to go man. Horrible tactics all second half, feel sorry for Blackburn fans paying to watch that sh*t.
  14. Sensational save by Robinson tbh.
  15. Hahahahahahahahaha! Brilliant. Samba is a beast!!!
  16. Some pretty horrible chants off them tbh
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