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Everything posted by Ryan

  1. Ryan

    Football pet hates

    Players who don't acknowledge the fans support whether it's them being subbed off or at full time. Especially at away games.
  2. I think I've only won one this season £50 accy off 7 teams.
  3. Ryan


    Not obsessed though.
  4. Leeds the only team losing in my 6 team accy. They're going to join Twente and Preston on the teams to avoid list
  5. Ryan

    Peter Løvenkrands

    Never disliked the guy as I've always thought he gives 100% whenever he plays. Just think sometimes he becomes anonymous in games and I really can't see him getting into the first team with the form Ba and Best are in, especially with HBA coming back as well. One thing I've always liked about him though is that he always acknowledges the fans. Every away game I've been to he's always came over to the away fans and acknowledged there support. Barton used to do this all the time as well. Might just be me being petty but one of my football pet hates is when players don't acknowledge supporters after the game/when coming of
  6. Brilliant team. Another league that'll be taking over the SPL on coefficients soon enough. Edit: They already are
  7. Ryan

    Olivier Bernard

    Some of his recent tweets. Quality fella
  8. Ryan

    Season Tickets

    I think Arsenal might have sold out, if not they were very close to. Can see us being pretty close to the away fans if they do sell out their allocation.
  9. Ryan

    Season Tickets

    Aye, moved along a block. When Arsenal were here there were hardly any spaces between our fans and there's so it looks like we will be decreasing the away allocation.
  10. Tbh, I don't think I've ever listened to a game where he has commentated on us.
  11. I've always liked Don Goodman on Sky. Only does the Football League though I think. Although I have to say, anyone is better than Andy Gray
  12. Ryan

    Season Tickets

    Came home to a nice surprise today Turns out they've actually sold my season ticket seat and shifted me along a block without notice. There has been more season tickets sold in the family enclosure so the young person area has been moved. Don't think that is right tbh, especially without even notifying us
  13. 1-1 or maybe sneak a 2-1 win. Ba and Saylor with the goals if it is 2-1.
  14. Krul didn't really put a foot wrong tonight. His kicking wasn't great but he dealt with Stoke's long throw's/corners brilliantly. Don't really see what Raylor did wrong as well, linked well with Jonas and Pennant wasn't getting a sniff.
  15. I've been one of his biggest critics this season but though he played very well tonight, easily his best game.
  16. Pulis saying they weren't willing to pay £9 million for Ba..... yet they paid £10 million for Crouch?!
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