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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. The club should quadruple the amount and give something back to the fans to provide something massive. It's a drop in the ocean considering us as part have helped the club meet the target they have. Nee clappers tho.
  2. Them England strips look like clothes you hoy on when youve not dried properly after a shower. A bit shoddy looking
  3. Rafa is playing politics whilst waiting for the takeover at the end of the season.
  4. Be interesting in his press conference tomorrow. Wonder how many times he will mention the word promise or Mike gave me his word in it?
  5. The fact that we have the Burnley home game on transfer window closing night cranks things up a notch as it'll be toxic if we've done nowt.
  6. How far have we fallen? Getting our knickers in a knot over a £20m deal when the likes of Wolves will be doing these regular this coming Summer.
  7. of course it's bull sh1t. As if they could duck tape the player's agent's gob shut anyway
  8. The weather up here at present reflects the whole takeover pretence. Damp, gloomy as fuck and no sign of any sunshine for the considerable future.
  9. Dont understand the views. Atsu is shit and we've nowt on the left really. Sick of people viewing us in the Ashley person view point instead of reality.
  10. The day Ashley sells will have flying pigs and all sorts in the sky.
  11. As long as Ashley has a hole in his arse, he isnt interested in selling us. We're a pawn in a big game of shite
  12. When the January 6th deadline passes and nowt happens, we can't just go onto the next date or the end of the window with these still positive vibes. Ashley and his PR gurus are playing everyone. Major heat still needs added and fast.
  13. Still filing this alongside the Shearer to stay as manager momentum talk only to be told there was never a call back to this day, the 2 wow signings that were said to be mentioned in the corporate area by Lambeezie in 2008 and the Barry Moat deal as well as the countless many other PR released crap that cons us. Since day one, Ashley has been on a good thing by 'earning' hundreds of millions on the back of us and the TV deal increase will just allow things to get worse. Every time any sort of heat gets applied to his tenure, a story comes out of nowhere to calm the flames. Seem to have been close for months and every day we get more stuff of deferred deadlines or people saying to wait. Last January, Rafa was lied to about signings and he was again in the Summer. Not one word or action of anger against the fat man whilst the tills still ring and the coffers continue to swell. He's laughing at us.
  14. Witnessed the lads sorting the flags out at the back of the Gallowgate after the game with one of them saying that he is jacking it in as no-one is helping. Surely the club could pay expenses or something to make it more worthwhile for people spending hours on end as well as their free time to just really try to better the football club. Win win for everyone then.
  15. Shelvey being captain has ruined them games. He just cant do that.
  16. At least we'll get some sort of clarification soon with another dismal transfer window proving that sausage fingers is just using his PR mates to pull the fast one. We get a normal window and we may yet be witnessing flying pigs.
  17. Looked like there was new lighting in the roof of the away level 7 to me last night. Either that or there's been new bulbs fitted.
  18. Wonder what page number we'll be up to before this can be knocked on the head? I reckon it will be around the 240 mark.
  19. I guess the calibre of January signing will determine if there is takeover in the pipeline or not. Less than 2 weeks to get the drink stocked up or look for the nearest bridge.
  20. Still cant believe that people fall for shite under the Ashley regime. There is no takeover and there will be no big spend in January.
  21. Should have them at St James' if it ever gets another upgrade. The lot that play candy crush can sit there.
  22. I said a while ago that this would probably be done on a dark, damp Thursday. Is today that day?
  23. A tornado just passed my house in Newcastle, so I wouldn't joke about it.
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