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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. Ashley's PR team get paid for nowt when we have random people making stuff up. Not happening and I very much doubt it will in the next yer, at the very least. Free publicity for Shit Direct and diverted money streams. Wont walk away from that. We're as much as being taken over as we were when Moat was promoted to be doing the same. All guff.
  2. Yup They always become 'hit n run' posts too, so the ITK poster will disappear for a number of hours/days and it'll become forgotten about and id bet a large amount that the 'source' will trace back to Ashley's PR lot.
  3. Just watched Rafa's press conference and I agree that it was just one of his usual throwaway answers. Maybe lost in translation as in we'll all be happier with a win, not in relation to anything happening. The sooner the end of January gets here and people can put this window to bed along with the takeover because some eventual heat may go in the right direction for once and that being Ashley.
  4. I saw that, it was for member of the match. Im sure you win something.
  5. Aye but Ashley has a track record of pulling the wool over as he was pictured with Moat a few years back.
  6. Mustered up the effort to scour the back posts but here's the next 'ITK' deadline.
  7. I would hate to move out of the city centre. Me too. I'm reckon we could possibly do something with the East Stand to increase capacity, without affecting Leazes Terrace. Knock it down completely and build it much higher with a steeper angle...could even possibly make it two tier. It only holds something like 5000 ffs Leazes terrace has a "right to light" though. Make the east stand taller and it'd infringe 'Right to light' is a civil law matter that is for the affected property owner to enforce through the courts, or not. If it would infringe, the club could potentially come to an compensatory arrangement with the University. Loss of light is a consideration in planning applications. Each Council tends to assess it in different way depending on their adopted policy, guidance or just established rules of thumb. No idea how Newcastle go about it, just tried to access their SPDs to see but I can't download them. Students dont see the light of day anyway so it's an invalid legal concern. If anything, the East stand covering that street in darkness could save them money on buying curtains to keep the light out.
  8. I saw somewhere a while back, may even have been this thread but cant be bothered to trawl back, that someone said a takeover was being announced this week. Wonder who it was and if it happens. Clocks ticking.
  9. Wonder which day we can officially start to cotton on that nowt is happening and Ashley gets away with another transfer window? Hopefully it's not February 1st.
  10. Just wait until there's an Amanda Staveley exclusive in the papers which says that she was never really interested cue a massive meltdown.
  11. He would and potentially it could be looked at us being worth less now. Back then we weren't a million miles from challenging for Europe and were nowhere near relegation fodder not to mention most areas of the club more than adequate. Aside from the premier league loot having a false price on us, we need investment on many levels now. It's like Ashley buying a BMW M5 and letting it rot for 10 years without filling it up with petrol and it's doors falling off but then expecting more cash for it in the auto trader.
  12. I guess we're dependent on the next tweets from Paully and co to see if we can decipher the tone. Next weekend is the 125 year game so it could be close.
  13. Ive been one of those that have said all along that I dont believe there is any takeover happening but what is interesting is that those usual suspects who have been said to be in the know, are conspicuous by their absence. We've been told that the quieter it is, the better for what it's worth, so maybe things are ticking over.
  14. Everywhere you look today it's deals, deals, deals. Cant wait until it's finally our turn. [move]#Cans[/move]
  15. I would take that. I even said so last month. http://www.newcastle-online.org/nufcforum/index.php/topic,90600.24600.html
  16. Not that I hold out much hope of us being rid of Ashley whilst there's still money to be diverted but I did say that if it did happen that it would be on something like a damp, dark Thursday out of the blue. Well today meets them requirements ahead of the sunrise so over to you, karma.
  17. Sir Toon

    Alan Shearer

    His nappa was alright. Nee issues
  18. There's no denial from The Chronicle as they know nowt like the rest of us. Would be a daft thing to deny and then it actually happen. 7 weeks till the window opens and whichever kitty Rafa has to work with. Clock is ticking.
  19. The issue is the Ltd companies not any specific person. The Ltd company will have the liability not Ashley personally. This isn’t fraud or opaque wrongdoing per say. It’s a grey area of tax law that we will have been advised upon. It may well be challenged in the courts and found to be legal. Sounds like it may not be anywhere as bad as we fear then. Even then with court challenges and the legal or tribunal route, it could be years before anything sticks anyway. Hope it isn't this holding things up as we'd be stuck with Ashley for another decade.
  20. I dont see how Ashley or whoever is carrying the can for his decisions can swerve the HMRC. Yes the club may be liable to pay fines if proven guilty of anything dodgy but the people who did it will be at risk of legal action, not any future MD or owner.
  21. The lad minding the 'Why Q' bin beside the middle of the Gallowgate exit will have been too busy getting over the shock of my drunken Brother dumping his empties in it.
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