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Sir Toon

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Everything posted by Sir Toon

  1. Shite considering no-one was searched at the recent Spurs game aside from lasses handbags..
  2. Ashley has given each of the 40,000 season tickets an equal share of his ownership as a leaving present. Each share worth £10k. or its a free £5 bet with Fun88 and a 5% off discount card for the kiosks at the match as well as a sticker. Wonder which one?
  3. We're all fooked. Whatever it is will have GPS tracking devices in and Kim Jong-Un will target all of our houses.
  4. Part of me is thinking that Rafa is only staying because he is either party to getting someone in to buy the club or he wants to be here when we're eventually sold to try to realise the potential. Be a right sickener to walk and then find out that Joe Bloggs Ltd have taken over.
  5. I sit in the Gallowgate middle, 2 sections from the strawberry corner and as per usual the atmosphere was decent. Didn't hear Spurs one jot until they scored and in our end my head was ringing a few times due to the din from us. It never EVER comes across well on TV unless Sky or the usual media spin stick their microphones amongst the 30 crystal palace fans with a drum and try to pass it off as Brazil in the Maracana.
  6. The big problem with the idea in the first place was that everyone up here associates the 'town moor' as the land where they go when the funfair is here. This bit of land is not, it's around half a mile South West and past the Central Motorway and RVI. A field full of s***, cows and students taking shortcuts as well as dog walkers putting the squeeze on something that would boost the city ten fold.
  7. No, the area wasn't the town moor. It was the strip of land just beside Leazes Park and to this day is just a shit tip of land which has a mix of cows and students using it beside run down housing.
  8. Full interview apparently on Super Sunday, if you can stomach it. Nah it's a specific programme - 7pm for an hour. wait there's a one hour special ashley interview? 30 minutes according to the tv guide, still 30 minutes of bullshit no doubt May be worth watching for him to announce a sale and then do a mic drop at the end.
  9. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Joselu to Newcastle going ahead….? Let’s see.</p>— NUFCThreatLevel (@NUFCThreatLevel) <a href="https://twitter.com/NUFCThreatLevel/status/896436933940916224">August 12, 2017</a></blockquote> <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  10. The club dont even know chest sizes so there'll be no shirt giveaways. Be lucky to get a poster and a signed SD mug.
  11. Once Ashley dies, as that will be the only way he'll let go of his gravy train reigns, any potential ambitious owner will just build a new stadium elsewhere if the demand is there. It's the only way so forget tradition.
  12. Sir Toon

    Players in public

    It was just a hunch based on not looking at them properly and relying on the non-football following wife to do detective work via her phone on getting their identity. I just loaded up the nufc official website and got her to point the 3 out and for those wondering, no she hasn't a guide dog as her vision is spot on. I think.
  13. Sir Toon

    Players in public

    Was in Pizza Hut in Silverlink tonight and spent most of it thinking that Yedlin, Darlow and Lazaar were on the table behind. Mainly because of the mix of accents and the conversation being around Newcastle. Also the fact that im not the type to approach players and via a method of passing phones around to the wife to ask her if they were player A, B or C, she said she thought they looked like them. To cut a long story short, were they fuck. They were some people that were shooting some sort of videos at the training ground/St James' and had got the full works including free match tickets. The American bloke still looked like Yedlin mind....
  14. Joselu is rated as a £3m player on some media sites so fuck knows what to believe.
  15. Sir Toon

    Mikel Merino

    He has remarkable confidence in his ability which is quite refreshing. Got a sneaky feeling that we could have unearthed a gem here like or at least Ashley has the jammy bassad.
  16. Got my 2 today which is a change from the norm as it seems hassle free and earlier than usual. The mystery prize is a membership pack which will no doubt have a 125 year badge in and one of them deal cards that no-one uses apart from grouting tiles with.
  17. Not got my two yet either although its canny early still considering.
  18. im waiting on two tickets. odds on that i'll only get the one before the first game and im doing the yearly trek to the box office for the paper replacment. Happens nearly every year
  19. Wouldn't be the first time that mine hasn't arrived in time for the first game and ive had to get a paper replacement. One year they even sold my season ticket seat for one game.
  20. Absolutely this. Anyone that witnessed us in the flesh at the time that knew anything about the game cannot deny it.
  21. Safe standing will never bring back the freedom of walking or moving where you want or shifting if shit got real like a banger around bonfire night but it's a happy medium for the health and safety brigade. I will die happy knowing that ive lived through the days of a goal being scored and the adrenalin rush of being taken wherever the crowd wanted me to end up or the addiction to a type of fear that being in the scoreboard or corner had back in the day. Hey man hoo man is a phrase that is well remembered but as a young un back in the day, it was a fearful phrase that is better 'reminisced' now.
  22. Big week coming up for proper rumours you'd think with just 3 weeks till Spurs. Expect a keeper and a striker to dominate.
  23. I thought they said it was a 5 year deal for Murphy?
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