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Everything posted by NUFC_Chris

  1. November seems a long time. 9 months gardening leave!?
  2. Another round of Prime Ministers Questions for our manager. I think it’s a fucking joke to be honest.
  3. I hope it is a case of resting players, and not something that’s going to keep them out for a while like COVID.
  4. Wasn’t it a Q&A? She was probably asked, and she’s entitled to her opinion. I’m not arsed at her expressing her opinion on it.
  5. Definitely needed. If the clubs doing well, you’d easily get another 10K in. He says in there, ideally they’d like to increase it 60/65K, how in the hell they’ll do it is beyond me.
  6. It’s going to be tight til the end probably. All the bottom teams are fighting, no towels have been thrown in. We’re 4pts above the bottom 3 but just 5 from 11th now.
  7. I’ve bought a couple of things from the club shop recently (for the first time in years) and I’m impressed with the quality from Castore. The gear is decent. I get what you’re saying re distribution networks but they’ve grown quite rapidly. They sponsor Cricket South Africa & the West Indies as well as some rugby union sides and McLaren F1. They’re a new brand but certainly not small time.
  8. Juve’s first ever strip was pink I believe, so they wore a special edition pink shirt for the match.
  9. Not even remotely linked. Unless you agree with this idiot who posted similar.
  10. I’m still pretty concerned about centre backs. Should’ve been our priority. We’ve definitely improved, so I’m not complaining, and I get that our main targets Carlos and Botman didn’t happen. I just pray Burn and Targett will be enough to stop us shipping so many goals.
  11. I’m not feeling it with him either, from the admittedly very little I’ve seen of him. I’ll trust in Howe & Co though. Probably one for the future.
  12. 50 mill euros is a new club record.
  13. If it’s all done, I don’t know why we can’t just announce it. I get that he won’t be here for the usual photos etc, that can wait til he arrives. A short message to confirm the signing would be nice though.
  14. I’ll have zero sympathy whatsoever for him in the shit storm that will follow. Surely he’s finished.
  15. 3 months in the job. Lol Feel sorry for Ranieri. Total disrespect in my opinion.
  16. Sadly I can’t see us getting anything today. There should be plenty goals, but given our inability to defend for 90 minutes I can’t see us winning. Hope and pray I’m wrong.
  17. It is largely only coming from idiots on twitter, let’s be honest, and by god there’s lots of them on there.
  18. Odd the Spanish Super Cup is being hosted in Riyadh. It’s worth 320 million euros in hosting rights to the Spanish federation apparently, who are more than happy to take the money with not a word being said about them having blood on their hands etc etc.
  19. Improved bid in, then ten mins later it’s rejected and the press already know about it. I call bullshit on there even being a bid in the first place. No wonder people get so wound up about it all.
  20. We've not had any pictures taken from behind a tree of Chris Wood getting out of a minivan?
  21. One for the Championship if we drop.
  22. It is odd it's taken this long.
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