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Everything posted by South-Cheshire-Toon

  1. Going to be slightly interesting to see how some of the new signing that have been made will affect some teams performance, given that they have a week or so to be bedded in - Gameweek 21 - deadline Tuesday 14th January @ 19.30 Brentford 2-2 Man City Chelsea 3-1 Bournemouth West Ham 1-1 Fulham Forest 1-2 Liverpool Everton 2-2 Villa Leicester 1-3 Palace Newcastle 3-0 Wolves Arsenal 3-1 Spurs Ipswich 2-2 Brighton Man United 3-0 Southampton
  2. It makes me think, as I haven't read the thread - what was the reason Cooper got rid of him - perhaps he (shelvey) was right with what he said - so it's a pity the new NF manager hasn't even looked at bringing him back. I'm mean if you wanted a big, fuck-off hard looking player - you can't go far wrong with him - but perhaps it was his 'stamina' that was causing the issues - from memory he wasn't the quickest out of the blocks.
  3. Just checked - Brighton are on a streak of 8 PL games without a win. D6 L2.
  4. Looks like he's one of those players (at present) that comes on once some of the other main players are out on their feet - here's his FPL stats - (MP - Minutes played) -
  5. You could tell from last nights game that there is a need to improve the squad - looking at how Arsenal pressed - it was a backs to the wall situ for 20 mins - we need to be able to do the same - it's not like the players we have are bad, no, they are good, it's just the likes of Arsenal, City, Chelsea have the £££ ability to buy in lot's of players and get good in depth squads, in effect having a 2nd 11 - which, at present, is something we don't have.
  6. When I saw that - I thought exactly the same thing - could be a Perez in disguise - and look how he turned out - wouldn't say no if offered - perhaps a loan with an option to buy at end of season.
  7. Like I said in a well earlier post - watched it with the sound right down after about 20 mins - southern fucker bias. Note - To me anything below the M4 corridor is Southern before anyone harps on about me being from South Cheshire.
  8. A couple of things - to note from the TV last night - Seemed very bias (as always to the 'southern' team), but this could be considered the home team - so perhaps in the 2nd leg we'll get the same kind of bias (doubt it). Sam Fuckerface always seemed to be 'reporting the virtues of the arsenal players when moving with the ball etc, yet when we had the ball - nothing - fat faced fucker. Also, and this made me laugh, in the second half, about 60 mins - Big Joe gets knocked to the ground - Fuckface then says something like - 'The arsenal fans aren't happy - there have been lots of decisions going against them' - Like fuck - from what i remember that was the first one. Lee Dixon - colour blind as normal - though he did have some un-bias things to say from time to time - esp for Isak's goal - lot's of shirt pulling etc - he said that was part of the game. The sound was awful - I don't know where fuckface was sitting - but to me it sounded like he was in the home end - could from time to time just hear the away fans - probably sound faded out. Onwards....
  9. I don't have Sky for this reason, and also it's a fucking waste of money, so as the game progresses tonight on ITV, then more probable than not I'll turn the sound down/off so as to not hear their constant bitching and whining about this, that and the other. It's a good thing there's 'catch up' as if we were to score then I'll just jump back to the build up and turn the sound back on to savour the moment.
  10. Interesting round of games - as if you don't win you're out - so many have chances of being draws.
  11. So, somehow, the app or something remembers who you have picked ? so that you couldn't keep picking, say, Liverpool every week. Hmm - Would be interesting to see what happens if started at the start of the season and after 20 games there are several people left in - would the system 'restart' ?
  12. It's going to come down to confidence, of the team, their playing ability etc. TBH the 'last' big game was a month ago again Liverpool 3-3, since then we played good teams Villa (had a player sent off - so outcome could have been a lot different), and a load of poor ones - Ipswich, Manure etc. I'd love a win, expecting a narrow defeat 3-2, 2-1, so anything better than that would be a bonus. Depends on line ups as well - and if the Arses think this is a decent enough comp to win - or just put out the kids for experience. Current odds - Arses - 10/11 Draw - 27/10 Toon - 7/2
  13. No matter what I see, he always looks like he could do with a good feed, fill out a bit, looks gangly as though one sharp gust of wind and he'd break in two.
  14. Not sure it will be off as the ground is close to the coast - BBC weather are showing for Sunday - so would expect the game to be on.
  15. Well as I'm bottom the only way is up - but looking at Haaland - from GW28 - City have an 'easy' run in - so am trying to decide as to whether to keep with Palmer - who's gone off the boil - and cash in - and get Haaland - but it will take some wheeler dealing to get him. I think I'll see how Palmer does this weekend and then take it from there.
  16. Whilst I don't have him - Haaland still isn't up to his best - I'm thinking teams are now having the better of him - just place one big defender on him and, well, sometimes it looks like he's playing with his slippers on. So it would be Salah for me - who I have.
  17. I picked this up on Tinterweb yesterday, as wanted to know more about Ashworths demise - quite interesting listen/watch - makes some valid points about being bad to then get better, but interesting from @10.30 as he talks about INEOS 'putting the boot in' - as in - this is OUR club, we decide what's best - and as they aren't football versed it's causing all of this antagonism. Have a watch and let us know what you think.
  18. @BoSelecta OK, I've been onto FPL support, and this is the conversation I've had with them - so sent this - Hi, we’ve been discussing this on a forum – so we think we have it right, and thus my points are correct – but could you clarify the below is right – So two games are played, one on a Sat, the other on a Sun, in the Sat game Newcastle vs Ipswich say – both Murphy and Isak don’t play, then on the Sunday Salah doesn’t play. (see diagram below). So there would be some auto transfers done, which would be mean – on my ‘bench’ they would be transferred in from left to right ? If the above is the case then, sorry, but you FAQ and other info doesn’t, to me, make this clear as otherwise I’d have put Hall in pole position – but you live and learn. And here is their reply - Thank you for getting in touch. If you manage your team via our site, your substitute with the number '1' above them is your highest priority substitute, followed by '2' and then '3'. If you manage your team via the app, your substitute on the left is your highest priority, followed by the middle, then the one on the right (excluding the goalkeeper sub). It is not the case that a player in a certain position is automatically replaced by one in the same position, or the one on the bench who has scored the most points. It is possible for a substitution to change your on-field formation. Your highest priority substitute (Your highest priority outfield substitute is the leftmost outfield substitute on your bench, with the number '1' above them on the site) who played will be substituted into your team for a starting player who has played 0 minutes in the Gameweek, regardless of the player's points (Even if they have scored minus points) and position, unless this breaks the formation rules. Formation rules state that your team must have 1 goalkeeper, a minimum of 3 defenders, 2 midfielders, and 1 forward. This seems a standard response, but the website doesn't state the above clearly for me - but now I know so all is now happy in SCT world - and I can now move on.... up the league.
  19. All I can say is, and I'm not that way inclined, he has some of the largest thigh muscles I have ever seen on someone. It was rather unfortunate that he hit the post with that effort - otherwise it might have made goal of the season.
  20. @BoSelecta Yeah something's not quite right here - it must be to do with player positioning in the team - as you can 'move' your players around 'on the bench' so from left to right is the order in which they are 'swapped' Also seen in another team - Havertz didn't play - yet Anderson was 'swapped'.
  21. I didn't know where to post this - but decided here - wonderful as comments say what AI can do -
  22. @BoSelecta So the wording for the rules should have stated something like - the default starting formation is 3-4-3. If any player in that formation doesn't play then he'll be transferred out to another player of the same position - eg def for def etc. Otherwise the next highest ranking player - in order for, mid, def - will be swapped in their place.
  23. ok, first stupid question of the year - no doubt many more to come - so can someone explain this to me please. In the rules it states - Prioritising Your Bench For Automatic Substitutions Your substitutes provide cover for unforeseen events like injuries and postponements by automatically replacing starting players who don't play in a Gameweek. Playing in a Gameweek means playing at least 1 minute or receiving a yellow / red card. Based on the priorities you assign, automatic substitutions are processed at the end of the Gameweek as follows: If your Goalkeeper doesn't play in the Gameweek, he will be substituted by your replacement Goalkeeper, if he played in the Gameweek. If any of your outfield players don't play in the Gameweek, they will be substituted by the highest priority outfield substitute who played in the Gameweek and doesn't break the formation rules (eg. If your starting team has 3 defenders, a defender can only be replaced by another defender). So my team was - defense-wise - before play - murillo - timber - TAA - Kerkez # Hall was my 5th defender. Murillo didn't play - so I would have assumed that Hall would have replaced Murillo ? so I'm confused that DCL was Murillo's replacement - as reading the above text it should have been Hall ? - Yes / No ? Here's the GW final scores -
  24. OK, i think I get it bloody confusing knowing what games are covered by these bans. But reading it - it's the opposite of what I said - so a person's banned until 00:01 on the date reported.
  25. I take it that he's suspended until midnight on the 15th - hence missing the games on the 4th and 15th - sorry for the dumb questions - don't see why they can say he suspended until the 16th - then it would be clear.
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