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Everything posted by Zach

  1. Ah well, at least Perch "will get a tackle in".
  2. £10 on: Aston Villa v Newcastle over 2.5 Bristol City v Watford over 2.5 returns £33.15 £4 on: Newcastle to win Sunderland v Swansea draw returns £38.08
  3. Zach


    Gateshead. Or even Darlo's better then that sorry state.
  4. Aston Villa 1-2 Newcastle QPR 2-3 Man City Stoke City 2-0 Wigan Sunderland 0-1 Swansea Arsenal 2-1 Liverpool Everton 2-0 West Brom Norwich 1-2 Tottenham Fulham 1-0 West Ham Man Utd 3-1 Southampton Reading 1-2 Chelsea
  5. I don't usually agree with the 'team should just take the money!' stance but they have f***ed themselves over here and if he signs a pre-contract then they are going to get very little. If they do play stubborn they are just wasting more money. Cutting off your nose to spite your face indeed. Don't know why clubs do this just for the matter of principle, Bilbao are doing the same for Llorente and they will get f*ck all for him. Surely its in their interests to take the cash and move on? Especially considering he's been suspended so they wont even get any playing time out of him. They gain absolutely nothing by keeping him, they should just take the money and run.
  6. There you go Toulouse, take that.
  7. I hate statements like this. The player hasn't played 1 minute in the Premier League yet and is a totally unknown quantity. He could easily flop or struggle to adapt. If he is bought as Ba's replacement he will need to come in and score goals straight away, and even if he is brought in as a squad player only he will still have to contribute meaningfully. So it's not a step in the right direction?
  8. Zach

    Alan Pardew

    All transfers aside Pardew still has to turn this mess of a season around and quickly because if this squad goes down it will set us back years.
  9. Sounds like he is a definite step up from Shola so it's a step in the right direction.
  10. On form I'd be suprised if we got much more than half of that.
  11. Zach

    Alan Pardew

    The excuses wind me up as much as anything. There is no excuse for us to be doing this poorly, its just complete incompetance on his part and its scandolous to suggest its anyone, or anything else's fault but his own.
  12. Zach

    Loïc Remy

    70k a week is far too much anyway.
  13. These next 2 games are so important, win them both and we open up at least a 4 point gap between us and the bottom 3, although its much more likely to be around 8 points.
  14. Zach

    Loïc Remy

    Not perhaps the reason, just not a positive attraction. You have to SELL the club better to potential players. I find it hard to believe QPR offered such a ridiculous deal. Then again, with Redknapp's devious financial skullduggery with other people money...... Why? Its not the first time QPR have offered too much money to players, Redknapp even said himself that a lot of his players were overpaid. I don't buy for one second that he has picked QPR for footballing reasons.
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