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Everything posted by FloydianMag

  1. And if FFP had been around then you’d have Liverpool, Man U and Arsenal cleaning up every season…..so no sporting competition really is there.
  2. I’m afraid the noise for legal challenges to FFP and FMV are growing and not just from Newcastle fans……….it’ll happen, you can’t have wealthy clubs like Liverpool, Man U, Arsenal and Spurs dictating to the rest what they can and can’t spend.
  3. Bollocks………FFP and FMV are anti competitive and infringe Competition Law and need to go. Revenues streams are well established by the current cartel and what do the twats do? Bring in FMV to prevent our revenue streams growing. Fuck them FFP and FMV should be challenged in a Court of Law.
  4. I don’t think we will…….but we will be able to compete for young hungry elite players and pay good wages without fear.
  5. Weren’t Liverpool bankrolled by the Moores family in the 70’s and 80’s?
  6. I’m not sure……my accounting abilities are pretty basic, I’m more focused on the legality of FFP, someone with far more experience might be able to give you answer. But if you bring in £200 million in sales and don’t spend it why should it not be included in the clubs financial health after 3 years?
  7. The PL, FIFA and UEFA attempted to cap agents fees, agents took legal action and won. Gist of ruling is governing bodies organise competitions and not involve themselves in clubs commercial activities. https://x.com/nickdemarco_/status/1741102055014433221?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ https://x.com/nickdemarco_/status/1735644167521341793?s=61&t=Yt8DTJJ-7Jh_ndgpdGSFKQ
  8. FFP is about losses over a 3 year period, don’t ever remember it including profits………..but agreed it’s a farce and needs to go.
  9. Surely the £200 million would remain in the clubs accounts until they decided to spend it, whenever that may be.
  10. Hasn’t stopped him calling it right on FFP and FMV though, has it?
  11. There isn’t any type of FFP that would benefit any club other than the old big 6, they will always have more financial muscle than the rest of the clubs therefore competing on ‘merit’ is bollocks. The only way you can compete with them is by being able to spend or even outspend them. You can, although rarely have a Leicester City who win ‘on merit’ but even they were bankrolled by their owners. The PL clubs are not above competition law that applies to the business world, they should not be allowed to interfere in any other clubs commercial activities which has happened with firstly FFP and since we were taken over twice with FMV and an even more onerous kind of FMV that was voted down at the end of November. If clubs overspend then yes they could go bust but that’s up to their owners as in the business world. Clubs are no longer ‘community clubs’ they are multi million pound businesses that have to comply with Competition Law whether you like that or not. We hit the jackpot in respect of wealthy owners, I’m sick of listening to the top 6’s money doing all the talking, the sooner FFP and FMV is gone the better.
  12. I’ve had a feeling that the club are preparing some kind of action, ever since Dan Ashworth’s fishing trip at the beginning of November re loan players from Saudi. I could be wrong, hope I’m not.
  13. It’s up to the clubs who suffer from FFP to submit a legal challenge and fuck the old top 6, we would be hated for doing so but then the cunts hate us anyway. Give them something to really fucking hate us for!!
  14. Interesting article from Samuel’s https://x.com/mrroddygraham/status/1742469444184478122?s=46&t=RaLdCRuzyWBbm603Y3eUgg
  15. Fucking hell……….Tonali will be back before this lot.
  16. Obviously the club have their reasons why they haven’t……..yet. I hope that they are building a case against FFP and FMV.
  17. The way to fuck FFP is to challenge it’s legality.
  18. Reputed to be £40 million a season.
  19. When the PL first introduced FMV in 2021 I’m sure Amanda did tell the meeting that what they were doing was a breach of Competition Law, then they attempted to make it more onerous last November and failed. There is also the fact that the other top 6 clubs believe their sponsorship deals should be higher due to history, heritage and coefficients is also a load of bollocks. The whole lot needs to be swept away so there is a level playing field, including FFP.
  20. That’s the point of FMV though, its’s designed to prevent us from having the same levels of sponsorship as the rest of the top 6. The related party shite is anti competitive.
  21. Could there be other reasons? Like challenging FMV for related party sponsorships, after all it didn’t exist until our takeover.
  22. Given that we need to increase revenue streams to prevent us from falling foul of FFP I’m surprised stadium naming rights, training kit and training ground sponsors haven’t been announced. They’d both bring in significant amounts of revenue, strange.
  23. The Adidas sponsorship deal reputed to be £40 million a year will be available for the summer window.
  24. The number of times FFP and FMV is mentioned maybe we should have a separate thread on both the issues until they’re no longer relevant.
  25. It was always thus when Arsenal, Man U and Liverpool were winning titles over the last 40 years interspersed by the odd club picking up a title every now and again. Someone richer turned up at Chelsea and Man City, then us and the self entitled bastards plotted and schemed to protect what they thought was their right to regularly win trophies, and now we have FFP and FMV. Fuck them, time for them to move aside for another 3-4 wealthier clubs to have their day in the sun.
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