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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. To be honest KI your last sentence gets the point across succinctly.
  2. If Pardew starts Ben Arfa at the weekend then I think it shows just how much Pardew has lost the plot and the pressure he is under. Not saying it's the wrong decision, but it is indicative of Pardew losing control of the playing squad.
  3. McKay would be another instance of NUFC appointing someone who isn't the right man for the job.
  4. All people are clinging to is this mythological 'stability'. In reality they mean consistency. The longer Pardew is in charge the more people will grow despondent with this consistency.
  5. Of course. You don't think it's slightly unfair on Elliot? An NUFC employee telling people in public that Keegan is a poor manager, not as good as Pardew and that 8th or 9th is our level? Aye, my heart bleeds. You don't say things like that "in confidence" man. He's as stupid for telling an NUFC fan those views as he is for having them in the first place. Course he is, I never said otherwise. It's just a dodgy way of scoring internet journalist points, that's all. Isn't it a way of trying to spread the word about the utter catastrophe of the current ownership and what it's doing to our club from top to bottom? You could say that, yes. But the principal of how it was done still applies IMO. What principals should the Guv be held to? He's shared the details of a conversation that took place in public. What's wrong with that? I do think hoying them in an article and reporting it like news is a bit far fetched. Should have remained on this place for us to ridicule him. However Ian used it perfectly to his own agenda as usual. Thankfully people are less stupid these days and can see right through him. I don't have any agenda at all, I don't even want to keep Pardew any more. I've no idea why I get such a hard time for it. I disagree with loads of people all the time, but I can still discuss it properly. Why not just have "everything about Ashley, Pardew and NUFC is evil" printed at the top of a blank web page? This is a forum FFS. Perhaps you need to change your 'style' then as you are winding up a lot of people on here by the looks of it with the way you are posting. 1 or 2 people getting wound up then you could say they are being sensitive but when you are antagonising so many people with your comments then it looks like you have an agenda just to be contrary and just to wind people up. But surely you have to question whether the reaction is reasonable? I asked a question about how an article was obtained and here's 3 pages of abuse. That doesn't seem normal to me. There was an implied criticism as to TheGuv's motives for publishing the article too, 'Internet Journalists Points' . That read very poorly. I'm all for these raw encounters with players being relayed. It's all to rare we are able to lift the veil and see what is going on at our club, away from 'the Bishops' influence and insipid Premier League PR. Clearly people can apply their own critical reasoning to the material in question. The reaction you felt is partly down to your focussing on how this information was obtained at the ignorance of what was was said. What was said is a far bigger priority for fans.
  6. http://s27.postimg.org/4i27n3lcz/ijp.png
  7. I was being sarcastic. For what it's worth I hope dogs shit on his corpse.
  8. You're f***ing dead, watch your letterbox closely. My box is always open for you, Bimps.
  9. Just want to say some of the abuse Pard's is getting is way over the top. Bordering on psychotic.
  10. Because he's way out of his depth. He's always been scared of this job.
  11. HBA. Would hardly be surprising if he blamed him for unsettling the dressing room.
  12. "We have got ourselves under a bit of pressure with recent results. That's put a lot of pressure on us. Stoke don't really have that to concern them going into the game."
  13. something like 22 goals against without him too, maybe even 26
  14. Coloccini, Santon and Simpson had terrible games that day Wigan seemed to score everything.
  15. http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/0/football/17795332
  16. Ben Arfa What the fuck happened.
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