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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Pardew seems unwilling to recognise the good Ben Arfa does. It's the sort of my way or the highway bollocks you got from Souness. Pardew should persist with him in the team and work on improving him, rather than taking him out of the team until there is an improvement.
  2. West Ham would have gone down under Pardew, probably with Tevez and Mascherano on the bench.
  3. You can be a poor side and finish 8th/9th Everton are a good side and will be sixth or there abouts for the foreseeable.
  4. Which sadly comes at the cost of delivery into the box. At least we don't concede goals....
  5. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/960734/jump-the-shark-o.gif
  6. Newcastle Opposition 18 - Newcastle without Remy 1
  7. As though we aren't looking like a mid-table team for the foreseeable anyway. If Campbell can be a solid Championship player then arguably he can do a job as part of the squad at NUFC. The idea seems to be that you know, if you're going to make it you should be able to go to a lower league and rip it up completely. Considering how average Stevenage and Brighton made our first team squads look what are we exactly expecting from youth team players? Campbell did not look out of place when he was involved with the squad in 12-13. He also has a far higher pedigree then most of our non-loaned reservists and academy players.
  8. Doesn't seem to have been any plan to integrate him here whatsoever.
  9. I'd outlaw loans for players older than 23. I'd also like to see only British players capable of being loaned.
  10. dependent on wages. Not really because he wouldn't come here for more wages if Arsenal come knocking.... Anyway he's injured for 3 games eh? 3 losses then. Arsenal will certainly offer bigger wages though. If we can offer the most wages (in real life circumstances) he would join us. Which is absolutely what we should be doing.
  11. Exactly the same as Ba (though in a different sort of way)
  12. 'Buy land AJ, 'cause God ain't making any more of it.'
  13. Well my point is the teams you have listed are money teams. I get what you're saying and to a certain degree Liverpool this season are indicative of that. The investment in City has been made with a view to placing them firmly at the top for a prolonged period so I think it's too early to Judge. Obviously player acquisitions are an expensive and not necessarily certain way of bridging the gap. But there are some very rich Champions League clubs and some clubs that are commercially very successful. They will be able to offer competitive wages to a lot of good players. The Manchester City's and Chelsea's of this world can only have finite number of players after all.
  14. Where would City and Chelsea be without money? Man Utd, Arsenal and Liverpool are all cash rich clubs.
  15. When you think he ran half the length of the pitch twice to score wonder goals it's sad.
  16. Well the drunken Clown's still hanging round, but it's plain the laughters all died down.
  17. Fans being suspicious of Mike Ashley is an entirely sensible and proper opinion. From the Keegan Judgement October 2009. “The club's explanation for these statements, which, on their case, were simply untrue, was that they were nothing more than an exercise in public relations carried out so as not to undermine Mr Keegan's position and made necessary, in the first place, by statements made by Mr Keegan himself to the press. We found this explanation to be profoundly unsatisfactory. “We do not understand why the club could not set out publicly and truthfully what they maintain was the true position. After all, Mr Ashley's vision for the club involved a change to a Continental structure and it is clear from the evidence that there are managers of some Continental clubs who do not have the final say. “For the club to have made these statements, when they were, according to the club, untrue, was, in our view, simply to store up trouble for the future.” "You want to know the parameters of the job and they keep changing, and you're not allowed to do what you think's feasible or logical then it becomes very difficult to do your job as well as you can and at the minute the job has been done well terrifically well." Colin Calderwood following the sacking of Hughton December 2010. “They can put together whatever they like. He is not for sale. I am going to say it for one last time, he is not for sale,” Alan Pardew 17 Jan 2011 in response to a proposed £30m pound Tottenham bid for Andy Carroll. "You guys don’t understand how f****** horrible we can be.” Managing Director Derek Llambias November 2011. "I will not let any player leave Newcastle United in this transfer window" Director of Football Joe Kinnear 8 days before Cabaye's transfer to PSG.
  18. When ticket income is fixed and secure then fan power is further diminished. Irony being if we were an ambitious club people would buy more season tickets and wouldn't want to hand them back.
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