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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. So after a season of being fucked in the arse we now get told they are taking the lube away. Superb.
  2. "Ah it's Sunday - we'll just let this raging senile old man spread a load of lies and we'll deny it in the morning"? It's true man. I know. I was explaining why we might not have heard anything from the club. Fully expecting bad news when the club gets round to it.
  3. They'd have said something by now surely. It's a Sunday?
  4. In other news the Fonz is going to attempt to waterski over a shark.
  5. we are trapped in the belly of this hideous machine and the machine is bleeding to death. Apt.
  6. Mike stop fucking appointing Shit managers.
  7. You should have bought Charlton Athletic you fucking cunt.
  8. to borrow from Rick James 'I think I must be losing my mind'
  9. Be fucking fun if we sack Pardew trying to get a new man in to work under JFK. Fucking herberts running this club man.
  10. Anyone able to offer some insight into the thought that may have gone into this appointment. Seriously, trying to determine what the logical basis was.
  11. All we needed was a decent manager and a little bit more depth.
  12. Just waiting for Vince McMahon to rip off his Mike Ashley mask.
  13. The thing is there is we have been crying out for someone with some football knowledge to take us forward and give some sound football advice to Mike and Dekka about football. Joe Kinnear is going to be their Consigliere. Its a complete joke. Aye that was what i was getting at. If you took JFK without our knowledge of him now, it wouldn't have been so bad as JFK does have experience, and someone like him with his years in football would be perfect for a club as a DOF. But seeing as we've seen him up close, our dealings with him make this decision madness. Perfect? Maybe for a league two club. Barring our time together he's been out of the game for years. I really don't see how he can have anything but a negative effect for NUFC in the Premier League in 2013.
  14. The thing is there is we have been crying out for someone with some football knowledge to take us forward and give some sound football advice to Mike and Dekka about football. Joe Kinnear is going to be their Consigliere. Its a complete joke.
  15. As bad as this feels imagine how Simon Bird and Niall Hickman feel.
  16. What the fuck would he even do? Jesus. This club. This fucking club.
  17. Cue Pardew sacking around November December and the return of the King.
  18. http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_liorekLYMy1qitfwho1_400.gif
  19. His continued appointment sums up Ashley's ambition for our club.
  20. http://metaphilm.com/images/philms/jurassic_gates.jpg would have preferred this.
  21. "People are not forced to take out loans from Wonga and I believe North East people have enough brains to know what they are doing” Have just seen this from Llambias ages ago when the deal first broke (IIRC when this fuss with Cisse first started). What a slippery Bastard Dekka is
  22. Was reading on .com the other day that Cabaye played 18minutes of pre-season last year. One of our most important players. Dispute over an unpaid dental bill. Vintage NUFC. Which was Cabaye's fault. The club has many faults that one was purely down to the player himself. Was using the Club as a collective term.
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