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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. The bad times quantify the good Jotenko. Team has done you proud tonight.
  2. I like him, and if Pardew stays, as i think he will. Carroll will improve us for sure. Also i think Carroll can play for a team playing decent football too. BBC sport were saying this morning 17m fee already agreed with WHAM.
  3. http://www.idioms4you.com/img/angif-hit-the-nail-on-the-head.gif
  4. Look at me, look at me, I'm Edward Woodward. Pathetic.
  5. We're looking into the reasons behind solid, controlled performances in the first 45 minutes of a game versus backs to the wall out and out panic in the second 45. As far as i can remember people suggested that Pardew changes his tactics at half time, irrespective of scoreline, asking the players to sit deeper so we can just try to soak up the pressure. That argument doesn't hold any water with me, or we would take that approach from the first whistle. Many people have stated that it is inability to change things (or respond to other teams changes) at half time that has hurt us. The argument that the players are tired and or panicking doesn't hold much water with me. Even if it is true who has overall responsibility for the players? Who has had a season to identify and rectify such problems? Etc. A good contribution to this thread though HF
  6. Daily reminder. You keep quoting it. What was wrong about it? From the West Brom thread on here.... So everyone agrees we were good in the first half. So Pardew can get the team to play well. Following the instructions they've been given all wwek in the build up. Or do you think they ignored him in the first half? Whose to say if they ignored him or not? Does it matter. If I can do my job well some of the time then im a bit of dick for not making sure I do it well all of the time.
  7. If it's so obvious what Jonas offers, why do so many people say he's clearly wrong in playing him when fit? Think it's a question of whether people think the team needs his qualities or we would be better off sacrificing them for more attacking flair. The evidence is there that we aren't better off for it. When he's been forcibly sacrificed we have conceded by the bucket load. True, but it could be argued that the defensive solidity could be achieved elsewhere in the team and in other ways. I don't mind Jonas as an option and as long as we don't expect him to create or score much. He must be a nightmare to play against. HF your post is a prime example of statistics distorting truth's. Remember Tottenham not winning for an age with Bale. One does not necessarily follow the other. Ian Jonas as an option offers very little other than an ability to draw fouls. His defensive contribution is declining in my opinion and he offers little to nothing going forward. It is a damning indictment on Pardew that he hasn't even been relegated to'option status'. He has been an ever-present in a terrible team. The fact that we have better options may not necessarily mean they have performed better this season. However, using that to say they aren't the future is foolhardy.
  8. Slightly concerned that this dossier indicates Ashley still isn't particularly knowledgeable about football or isn't being give very good advice about football.
  9. Hells no. Based on his form at Blackburn, of course. You can't read too much into how he's fared at QPR this season, with all the turmoil. Ben Arfa has shown there can be some benefit in buying 'broken biscuits'.
  10. I don't know Bimps, you'll be running it close.
  11. Wrote that in the box. Most of them were tap ins. Gouffran against QPR was on there I voted for that. Most important goal of the season. Me too. I appreciate the sentiment but to not even list Cisse.
  12. Cisse's goal V Southampton not available for goal of the season.
  13. It's a good question, and one I've asked before. If our poor season is mostly down to injures, then we either need to take a long, hard look at improving things or we accept that the only thing that determines a good season or a bad season is sheer luck. Out of interest can anyone remember the injuries we had under Allardyce (IIRC not great). I ask because he brought that ridiculously big backroom staff with him. I'm not sure why I'm meant to answer that question. Neither am I.
  14. It's a good question, and one I've asked before. If our poor season is mostly down to injures, then we either need to take a long, hard look at improving things or we accept that the only thing that determines a good season or a bad season is sheer luck. Out of interest can anyone remember the injuries we had under Allardyce (IIRC not great). I ask because he brought that ridiculously big backroom staff with him.
  15. At the end of the season he's going to take a long holiday. http://i20.photobucket.com/albums/b246/chalkitdown/Goodfellas/whacked.gif
  16. You can count on one hand (with fingers to spare) the amount of enjoyable league games this season. I don't doubt that results would improve next season but honestly it has been a real chore to watch us this year.
  17. a bit more ambition wouldn't hurt.
  18. When the ball hits your head and you're sat in Row Z thats http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2012/12/19/article-0-1625071E000005DC-483_468x286.jpg
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