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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. I think you will care when I tell you what the complaint is.
  2. Looking forward to Wor Flags unfurling a massive banner of Monty Magpie in full cock fighting regalia pecking the spurs bird to death.
  3. Objectively, it’s better for Arsenal to win the league, but it’s points on a spectrum. If it wasn’t for new money clubs, arsenal would just be bigger and richer than everyone else. subjectively, I lived with an Arsenal fan who got on my nerves so much so thinking of him when they don’t win is a blessing. Also realpolitik city are out in front in terms of clubs to haul in, we’re better off with success being pooled by one club.
  4. What’s the deal with threads now? Running forever?
  5. I am optimistic that we won’t lose at home for the remainder.
  6. He’s meant to be nursing a groin injury, so probably partly that and partly a historical weakness by the sounds.
  7. What do you think his actual level is? I don’t know much about his career other than the EL. Being a cup winner suggests tactician but why haven’t Madrid or Barca gone for him? Arsenal wrong club wrong time?
  8. take the fans away, it’s good to see another club in the league playing good football and punching above their weight
  9. Burn fucks off down pitch with willock for no reason
  10. Been coming. Wake up. We can get something from this.
  11. Pretty obvious then and now that there were big problems at Everton. Hiring a legend of your local rivals was never going to work. He might have wanted to sort out players and the culture but hardly surprising that the players who didn’t want to go along would have been able to get rid of him pretty quickly.
  12. It’s an interesting consequence of potential CL qualification as opposed to Europa Qualification for younger players in the squad. Europa would guarantee playing time whereas the CL probably won’t.
  13. Goal wise there’s very little better than someone kicking the ball as hard as they can.
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