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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Great stuff from Murphy in the build up to that goal.
  2. If his reading is 43 he’ll get a 12 month ban with the course which if he completes will knock at quarter off. there will be a big fine too.
  3. Kaka wouldn't have done a good job defending OJ.
  4. Should be made to do some community outreach thing by the club. Shouldn’t be dropped though.
  5. New verse for the Dan burn song: he drinks and drives, never get a lift with Joe
  6. If he gets a wor flags flag it has to be the the height of the gallowgate
  7. He glides over the pitch. He's going to be a great addition.
  8. We are a bit fucking good now. Cheers Eddie.
  9. I like that Warnock podcast but not sure I can listen to that.
  10. He’s miles away from home, it’ll do him good to play regularly for 6 months with familiar ish faces. The standard probably isn’t as important as the acclimatising and starting matches regularly. think it’s a sensible move.
  11. That team should have won. More than enough chances.
  12. Was noticeable that he was telling Bruno to keep his head in the first half against Arsenal.
  13. You'd have thought he could have done that in London easily enough.
  14. Oh how I wish Longstaff had played a reverse pass to Miggy when the goal kick was charged down in the second half. Must have seen him as he near enough took the ball off him.
  15. Arteta is protecting his team with this scandalous penalty horseshit.
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