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Shays Given Tim Flowers

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Everything posted by Shays Given Tim Flowers

  1. Consignia and scope. It’s the Royal Mail and the [no, ffs]
  2. Marcello Lippi pitchside, smoking cigars and suited was a solid manager look.
  3. Such a Eurotrash take on black tie.
  4. Unless football is a small community where the influence of ex-players could count for something at some point.
  5. The Emoji on that Yorkie post. Is that the most infamous post on N-O
  6. Lost Tax revenues due to closure of businesses V overtime for people working at the funeral.
  7. was sat in the home section of Anfield and fully lost it at that. Luckily I think we were comfortably down at the time.
  8. We weren't terribly nice to Mido from memory.
  9. Yemeni ghosts pleased as punch because Newcastle only got 1 point.
  10. What I would say is without VAR we’d probably have lost to City and Wolves. Yesterday was an absolute farce and something needs to be done about the delivery of the system but I can’t help but feel would be just as fucked off if we were back to the heady days of Ageuro standing two yards offside. The use of VAR in the city game should mitigate some of the conspiracy theory.
  11. Watching this on some of the worst rivers ever has not made for a fun afternoon
  12. Would love to see Big Dunc batter Rio
  13. In terms of the players acquired probably a 7/10, in terms of what we acheived vs what was acheivable. It's difficult to assess the clubs performance because there is a wealth of information we do not know. I'm sure many were critical or anxious about failing to sign Botman last January and that's turned out ok. Overall though I feel like this window and the way we have started the season probably shows prospective players that we are very much a club worth joining and progressing with. That's invaluable going forward.
  14. My Ando, my Ando why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? O my Ando, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night season, and am not silent. But thou art holy, O thou that inhabitest the praises of Newcastle.
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