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Everything posted by BillClinton

  1. I'm more excited about this signing than anyone else we've bought since Yanga-Mbiwa.
  2. Nufc.com think we're doing a different "strong" 11 for each half. You'd think he'd have a decent chance of playing if that's true.
  3. Thauvin doesn't seem likely now but someone like him should be targeted
  4. Christ, put an owld coat on Mclaren, he'd pass immediately for a hobo height=300http://cache1.asset-cache.net/gc/479258342-newcastle-head-coach-steve-mcclaren-and-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=X7WJLa88Cweo9HktRLaNXs7AFuyxN%2bLzuLpOmFw4nzYyol%2b72w09Mm3xOlwKaebsoQEnmP9%2fsgcISf1zeRgfqA%3d%3d[/img] He looks like he's been down a pit. Have they struck coal in the bore hole? (sorry dunno how to resize the image) Good to see Ser Davos getting a new job Was just going to post that
  5. He wasn't anything special but he still was way above playing in the MLS or Belgium
  6. She's really good too
  7. If that's true then fair enough, I don't know too much about him (but 15 goals isn't bad). I just saw the cost and where he plays and figured it was the 'Rivière' option. Personally I'd like some more South American players in the squad.
  8. Should be at least a semi-final. Especially when the other half (England's half) of the bracket is a disgrace.
  9. I don't really like this US team, it's not as fun being favorites. It's like rooting for USA Basketball. Plus they robbed Sweden of a win with that handball
  10. US get lucky again. China next up for them while all the other good teams eliminate each other.
  11. This will drag on for a while and eventually he will end up at Spurs.
  12. Everyone was making fun of this tournament until England started winning
  13. This. Norway is so much more talented.. and easier on the eyes
  14. Totally undeserving scoreline
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