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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. As if Anita doesn't get a look in. Ridiculous. Why send your best player from the first half dozen games on when you can send Shola on to play in midfield instead? Pardew Logic. Aye a ridiculous decision but you just knew it was the tactic of Shola dropping in the flick on direct balls to Cisse. Which i might add has never ever worked between those two......EVER. This is what I don't understand, why do the players keep pumping it long surely they could see it wasn't working? It's truly baffling isn't it. But we did it most of last season. Tbf it's been much better this season but why resort to it because Sunderland started the game ok. Just keep playing and the quality will win most of the time. Hoofing with players it doesn't suit is mental. I think Pardew likes to fight Fire with Fire. He's done it before when we've been up against a big team. And for the umpteenth time that ploy hasn't worked against a crap team. Pardew is a thick f***er like. We've played some decent stuff this season at times and should have stuck with it against the worst team in the league. Swansea showed if you play and stick with it you will turn over crap like Sunderland. Pardew is at panic stations against them, just useless. Exactly mate, but we both knew this day would be around soon. We've given him credit when he got us decent result but you can't polish a turd.
  2. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    The same new manager bounce they had last week when they let 4 in without reply? That's a joke of a reason and it doesn't hold water. English core, what difference has that made before? It's only used if we lose and isn't when we win with the same mix of players. An English core is bollocks, we had more of an English core than against a much better Liverpool side but we weren't up for this game. As for home game, isn't it the only home game they've actually won this season. Why hasn't home advantage helped them before today? Must win game, it should have been for both teams. A kid at centreback, OK, we did have but he was 1 player out of 11. If we'd played more to go at them instead of starting slow that wouldn't have even come into it. Pardew tried to be clever up front and he isn't good enough to do that, he's clueless. First home game for their new manager in a derby. They were always going to come out at 110mph. The last time we played them with an english core we smashed them. Coincidence? Yes. Ok let's swap Bardsley for Debuchy, Cabaye for Colback, Krul For Westwood. The difference is we have a manager who is shit scared of going out and taking the game by the scruffs of it's neck. Belittling our great club and talking up our opponents is more his game.
  3. As if Anita doesn't get a look in. Ridiculous. Why send your best player from the first half dozen games on when you can send Shola on to play in midfield instead? Pardew Logic. Aye a ridiculous decision but you just knew it was the tactic of Shola dropping in the flick on direct balls to Cisse. Which i might add has never ever worked between those two......EVER. This is what I don't understand, why do the players keep pumping it long surely they could see it wasn't working? It's truly baffling isn't it. But we did it most of last season. Tbf it's been much better this season but why resort to it because Sunderland started the game ok. Just keep playing and the quality will win most of the time. Hoofing with players it doesn't suit is mental. I think Pardew likes to fight Fire with Fire. He's done it before when we've been up against a big team.
  4. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Holy s***. Was their coverage at all scathing of the regime? Nope they just reported it was happening. notice how the club doesn't ban the nationals, Bullying c***s. Didn't realise The Telegraph was a NE paper. Wasn't aware the Telegraph was banned?
  5. We can start with throwing a weeks worth of training away after 20 minutes if you like ian I don't get you. Didn't we improve after 20 minutes? And we're much better in the second half? Improve? we didn't create anything and again we hobbled ourselves by putting sissoko on the flank to accommodate a system which doesn't suit us. Ian the point is the man is a coward who has no conviction whatsoever and that isn't difficult to analyse.
  6. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Holy s***. Was their coverage at all scathing of the regime? Nope they just reported it was happening. notice how the club doesn't ban the nationals, Bullying cunts.
  7. We can start with throwing a weeks worth of training away after 20 minutes if you like ian
  8. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    You have to create things to win a game. We didn't create anything for 90 minutes against the worse team in the league. I agree, I get your point, but we had our best attacking players out there, switching positions, two more strikers coming on, and they created less chances then against any other team so far it seemed. That's not just down to Pardew, they were simply not on their game today (and no, that's not just down to Pardew either). Whose fault is it then? Ultimately? Is he not the one chiefly responsible for what happens on the pitch? Our off the ball movement especially has been so poor since Pardew came in. I'm sure you all see the entire team stop when Ben Arfa has the ball. Part of me thinks the way we defend leads to our players being knackared when we get the ball. How many times have you watched us press but it's always in isolation? 1 player presses and the rest of the team drop right off and leave the opposition with a simple pass.
  9. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Caulkin will no doubt be defending Pardew in his next piece, though. The Media does tend to fall over itself to defend him. Fuck we could have had Rudi Garcia or Benitez this summer
  10. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    I hope George rips him a new arsehole. What a spineless coward, how can he expect his players to be accountable when he isn't himself.
  11. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    You have to create things to win a game. We didn't create anything for 90 minutes against the worse team in the league.
  12. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    We started like we were unprepared and barely created anything against a horrific side. Sunderland today were as poor as they always are and will still get relegated. Accept the first half was awful. I said as much in the match thread. They were never going to sustain that tempo (and they didn't) and AP loaded the game with attacking subs to get the equaliser and then look for a winner. We were caught on the break with a screamer from a monkey who'll never score another like it. The very least we deserved today was a point and that would have been a good result. It's massively disappointing, of course, but the anger aimed at AP is imho, for once, unwarranted. And I hate the c***. PS: I f***ing knew Poyet would do this. So typical of him/his sides. We'll now have 'him' hanging over us for every derby until he f***s off or AP's contract expires. Bringing off your top goal scorer and replacing them with one player who is just a total pank and another player who is totally out of form/s*** and you say he can't be blamed howay man!!! A total plank who's scored more times against Sunderland than anybody in our history, Milburn aside. He see's Cisse everyday in training, maybe he thought he was ready to make an impact. I'm sure Shola has played against Sunderland more than most of our players as well. It means nothing as today showed. As for Cisse he's just garbage, the quicker people realise this the better, awful first touch, weak, slow poor in the air & one footed.
  13. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Absolute nonsense, our attacking threat was pitiful. Aye, too many people seem to think having more of the ball = better team. Our off the ball movement is nothing short of a disgrace. We got beat by the worse team in the league who were playing the percentages, nothing more.
  14. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    I know. But it's weird, right? It's weird that he hasn't been sacked. At least give me that. Giving him that 8 year contract was even stranger. I've had this "Oh come on surely he won't survive this" feeling four or five times now. He always does. I felt we may have been somewhat close after the Liverpool(thank God we avenged that one when Pardew owned Liverpool last week) and mackem thrashings last season. But after this result? Mike would not even consider it for a moment I think it was after Reading, after Liverpool, and after Sunderland that I had that feeling. I agree today does kinda pale in comparison. Ashley doesn't give a fuck and that's the bottom line. Stay in the league, keep costs to a minimum and profit is his mantra. Club is spineless from top to bottom and I think must of us are just numb to it now.
  15. This is very true. He is the definition of spineless, with no conviction in anything he does, or any faith in his players. If he stumbles on to something, and it works, he'll keep doing it until it doesn't work and then he'll change to something else. So aimless and rudderless. No professional pride or integrity. There are no redeeming qualities about him, really. I know that in decades to come, I'm going to hate talking about this generation of football because people will slag off the likes of Sissoko, HBA and probably others too -and each performance and the reaction to these players after every performance is like propaganda before my very eyes - "HBA is overrated" etc., as though quality players are like wind-up toys that you can wind-up and drop into any position on the pitch in any function and expect them to drive forward at breakneck speed, operating in isolation from what's around them. Ungodly infuriating. I'd rather we had no talented players than watch them under Pardew sometimes, I really do. We concede today and just panic, trying long shot after long shot. Individuals taking on too much by themselves getting crowded out, getting kicked and hacked by the neanderthal mackems. So f***ing brainless. There's no point thinking about which individuals we can sign in the summer, what personnel we should deploy from game to game etc because it honestly won't matter if Pardew is at the helm. If only our football was as good as this post
  16. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    I know. But it's weird, right? It's weird that he hasn't been sacked. At least give me that. Giving him that 8 year contract was even stranger. I've had this "Oh come on surely he won't survive this" feeling four or five times now. He always does. Me too mate. Only way he'd go is if he walked and as if a spineless fuck like Pardew will ever do that.
  17. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    I know. But it's weird, right? It's weird that he hasn't been sacked. At least give me that. Giving him that 8 year contract was even stranger.
  18. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Would have been a draw mate. We wasn't going to win because we'd settled for the draw. Pathetic
  19. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Sorry to burst your bubble lads, 6 more years of this
  20. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Yeah f***ing great play you take off your top scorer and put on two players who are just a f***ing joke - great tactics There's always an argument for Shola in the derby. At no other time, obviously, but always worth a shot in the derby. As for Cisse, well he was s*** but he was no worse than Sissoko. Look at the second half, without the emotion, and there's no way they deserve a winner. Shola is a waste of space derby or not. Sissoko was out of position because of our donkey manager, what's Cisses excuse apart from being shit? Second half was crap, we didn't create fuck all apart from speculative shorts from 25 yards. We only scored because Ben Arfa hit a miss hit shot ffs.
  21. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    We we're shite man, We created fuck all for the entire game against a bunch of fucking drunkards.
  22. Was only matter of time mate, and we both knew it'd rear it's head when the going got sticky.
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