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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. vaseline and dildo at the ready. Kinky b******. I'm going to be self bum-f***ed as a team solidarity exercise.
  2. 25. Which means Cisse on the right... Pardew is such a shit manager
  3. You know things are bad when people are trying to avoid the game & the post match thread is as small as this
  4. r0cafella

    George Caulkin

    Really hope they do. Might lead to them laying into him properly as well. Times Is owned by News CORP iirc. I would be shocked if the the Club banned a newspaper which is apart of such a big media conglomerate.
  5. r0cafella

    George Caulkin

    This is the truth. He's spot on in regards to the running of the club but I don't recall seeing him being critical of Pardew at all.
  6. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Lee cattermole had a f***ing 20 yard exclusion zone around him FFS The Lee Cattermole no fly zone sponsored by Alan Pardew @ Sports direct
  7. He was, and in a month he'll be on the fans' shitlist with Cisse, Sissoko et al. He's a very good player but not good enough to avoid being Pardewed given long enough - I'm not sure anybody is. Pardew really is cancer
  8. This. What makes it even worse is they looked dead on there feet after 70 mins or so It's been a trait of the mackems' season that once they concede, they collapse. Unfortunately that tends to require the other team to attempt to put a foot on their throat, whereas when we scored, we helped them up, apologised and promised not to do it again. Spot on. Didn't think we even really deserved the equaliser tbh but once it went in they were the very definition of a team there for the taking, they had completely shot their bolt. Unfortunately we seemed to think a point would actually be quite nice and made no discernible effort to go on and finish the job. We willingly removed the bloke who has 50% of our premier league goals from the pitch with 20 minutes to go ffs. I know he was having a crap game but I couldn't believe it when we subbed Remy.
  9. This. What makes it even worse is they looked dead on there feet after 70 mins or so It's been a trait of the mackems' season that once they concede, they collapse. Unfortunately that tends to require the other team to attempt to put a foot on their throat, whereas when we scored, we helped them up, apologised and promised not to do it again. Hope he's gone by February then because 3 in a row is unthinkable
  10. This. What makes it even worse is they looked dead on there feet after 70 mins or so
  11. Julio Cesar would be even better, probably cheaper and exactly what they need. (didn't mean better in quality btw) I would go with Valdes if possible personally. Gutted he will leave Barca though
  12. That will change in the next 4 games. 3 points off the relegation zone tells me something else
  13. Ashley is either incredibly thin-skinned or just does not give a f*** that people will now laugh at him even more because of his childish petulance. Whatever the answer he is undoubtedly a totally childish and pathetic tit! He doesn't give a fuck. Billions have that affect, we really are just another one of his businesses
  14. http://talksport.com/football/ryder-newcastles-local-press-ban-13102765719? Chief sports writer for the Newcastle Chronicle, Lee Ryder, joined talkSPORT to explain why he and other local journalists have been forbidden from reporting on their home club. News emerged of the local press ban from all Toon activities following their 2-1 Tyne-Wear derby defeat to rivals Sunderland. And Ryder, who was present at the game despite the ban, told Stan on Call Collymore that he was prevented from asking questions by the club’s press team during the post-match conference. “We already knew about that (the ban) but we didn’t want to make it public and interrupt the team’s preparation for the derby,” he told talkSPORT. “We want Newcastle United to win every game possible and we didn’t want to cause a problem. “We tried to ask questions in the press conference after the game but got turned down. “The ban is quite simply because we decided to report on the supporter protest last week that went through the city, which was a peaceful protest. “But we were told because we reported on it we were banned from using the media facilities, speaking to players and the manager. “The Premier League know about the situation and aren’t thrilled by the news. “There has been no contract from the club about how we move forward on this, and I expect we won’t be able to cover the Man City game either." Ryder on tallkshit abou the ban
  15. The debacle from November through January last season didn't shift him, losing the next three certainly won't. If we're in the relegation zone in November after narrowly avoiding the drop last season he'll go. Hope your right mate.
  16. Aye. Him and Cisse and Ben Arfa and Yanga-Mbiwa and Jonas and Colo and Cabaye and Tiote and Debuchy and Santon and Williamson and Taylor. All hopeless. A thoroughly rotten coincidence that we just seem to keep buying these s*** players. By the end of next month, the coincidence will have struck Remy too. It's hilarious isn't it? If it was one played who'd turned to shit I could understand people saying this but everyone we've signed under Pardew has regressed as a footballer.
  17. r0cafella


    Edited there for you. he's not the problem simply another symptom. The problem is Ashley and a moronic transfer policy and the thinking that just buying players from one sub-par league is a good idea. Plenty of very good players have come from the French league. yes but that doesn't mean you just do all your transfer business there. Other leagues exist, the lower leagues exist. Plenty of very good players have come from there too. Not this again, We've bought from other leagues. The players we've brought from France aren't second rate donkeys. Time to accept that Pardew is out of his depth managing this style of player as he was at West Ham when he benched Tevez and Mascherano. love how the players have become sacred cows who you never ever criticize or think they maybe just maybe are not that good. Fact is had Williamson did what MYM did vs Everton first half or last week vs Liverpool he would be hung out to dry by everyone on here, same for Steven Taylor, see also if Simpson had played as badly as Debuchy certainly has. Why can Cisse do absolutely nothing outside the box? Why does Sissoko go missing all the bloody time. What the hell does Gouffran offer? Why is Colo still the captain after wanting to f*** off? Players are anything but sacred cows mate and they get plenty of stick. But imagine how you'd feel working under a manager who is totally inept and constantly talks your chances down whilst talking the opponents up. As a professional player with no ties to the club, why the f*** would you want to stay? the same reason they came £££ Same reason they'll leave too that and they may actually join a team who's ambition it is to win a trophy
  18. The problem is that as usual with journalists, the thing they get far more wound up about than anything else is someone taking their access pass away. They'll lick the club's shoes after a string of defeats but they'll only pipe up in defiance when their own self-interest is threatened. c***s. You mean the very thing that enables them to do their job? No way. That makes them not fit for purpose. A journalist's job isn't to tell the public about their own personal struggles. They haven't given a s*** about the club, why should I give the slightest s*** if their (unbelievably cushy job) is more difficult? If I didn't buy the paper to read Steven Taylor's quotes, I certainly wouldn't buy it to read about that w***** Mark Douglas and what a hard time he's having filling copy. I could make a daily pull-out section about what a shambles NUFC is, so they've nothing to complain about.
  19. still no buyer so don't count on it. If he wants to sell badly enough there will be a buyer. He won't sell at a loss so no buyer is correct. He will if it means he gets his life back. We're just letting him off the hook way too easily. He even gets to attend our games without as much as a chant to express our dismay anymore. He shouldn't even be able to show his face anywhere near Newcastle without getting asked what the f*** he thinks he is doing to this fantastic club of ours. I doubt billionaire Mike keeps NUFC fans for company tbh. Even when he goes to the games the fans don't say a word.
  20. r0cafella


    Edited there for you. he's not the problem simply another symptom. The problem is Ashley and a moronic transfer policy and the thinking that just buying players from one sub-par league is a good idea. Plenty of very good players have come from the French league. yes but that doesn't mean you just do all your transfer business there. Other leagues exist, the lower leagues exist. Plenty of very good players have come from there too. Not this again, We've bought from other leagues. The players we've brought from France aren't second rate donkeys. Time to accept that Pardew is out of his depth managing this style of player as he was at West Ham when he benched Tevez and Mascherano. love how the players have become sacred cows who you never ever criticize or think they maybe just maybe are not that good. Fact is had Williamson did what MYM did vs Everton first half or last week vs Liverpool he would be hung out to dry by everyone on here, same for Steven Taylor, see also if Simpson had played as badly as Debuchy certainly has. Why can Cisse do absolutely nothing outside the box? Why does Sissoko go missing all the bloody time. What the hell does Gouffran offer? Why is Colo still the captain after wanting to f*** off? Players are anything but sacred cows mate and they get plenty of stick. But imagine how you'd feel working under a manager who is totally inept and constantly talks your chances down whilst talking the opponents up. As a professional player with no ties to the club, why the fuck would you want to stay?
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