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Everything posted by r0cafella

  1. Does anyone think we'll actually sign anyone?
  2. North East Media doing clubs dirty work for it once again? Well would that not be the opposite of what you're suggesting, then? Seeing as it's putting blame on the club? I thought the reporter was sky sports not sky north east tbh.
  3. No he isn't. He's quite rightly reminding Ashley that we have a small squad and have an important PL game 3days later so we need to buy players to compete in all competitions. The squad's really not that small. We've been in far worse positions and made a far better fist of it. we're woefully short up front and have very little in reserve. He can't win here, play the reserves and get beat or win scruffily and he gets stick. Play full strength and lose colo and cisse through injury and gets stick. He's between a rock and a hard place. If you really believe that then good luck to you.
  4. North East Media doing clubs dirty work for it once again?
  5. No he isn't. He's quite rightly reminding Ashley that we have a small squad and have an important PL game 3days later so we need to buy players to compete in all competitions. He can remind Ashley to his face can't he? All he's doing is sucking the life out of the players and the supporters with such idiotic comments. He probably did the other day in StTropez but there's no harm in doing so in public as well. Yes there is, telling the world we will struggle against a league 2 side is fucking stupid. We couldn't have wished for a better draw and here Pardew is moaning. Every other club manages to cope with playing twice a week apart from us that speaks volumes to me.
  6. No he isn't. He's quite rightly reminding Ashley that we have a small squad and have an important PL game 3days later so we need to buy players to compete in all competitions. He can remind Ashley to his face can't he? All he's doing is sucking the life out of the players and the supporters with such idiotic comments.
  7. Pogba is a monster. I'm scared to think how good he'll be when he's the finished article.
  8. Their he goes again talking down our chances... Against Morecambe. Fuck me, you'd think they were manchester city
  9. For 3 games maybe then he'd have any ability coached out of him by Pardew
  10. Our actual captain tried his very best to bugger off in the last window. The club's recruitment policy looks an even bigger farce if these 'men' are the ones displaying the strongest leadership qualities. I'm not trying to defend Cabaye here before im jumped on but... He was told when we he signed we'd be: Playing attractive football challenging for europe We haven't kept our end of the bargain so why would he keep his? If we're playing that game, we managed at least one of the two in his first season and he repaid us with absolute gutless garbage last campaign. As did every other player mate.
  11. Our actual captain tried his very best to bugger off in the last window. The club's recruitment policy looks an even bigger farce if these 'men' are the ones displaying the strongest leadership qualities. I'm not trying to defend Cabaye here before im jumped on but... He was told when we he signed we'd be: Playing attractive football challenging for europe We haven't kept our end of the bargain so why would he keep his?
  12. Assuming the club have told the Chronicle this, I would imagine he'll want to have his say quite soon. Pretty strong allegation. Unless it's true of course. Which it is, let's be honest. Why would he refuse to play? Are we in a situation where Cabaye thinks that the Arsenal offer was fair and has downed tools in protest?
  13. What's going on? Am I being dumb? Basically they are new camera's which have been installed blocking peoples view of the game.
  14. Yea they are well drilling and play to a plan. Makes me jealous as hell.
  15. Assuming the club have told the Chronicle this, I would imagine he'll want to have his say quite soon. Pretty strong allegation. That's what i thought as well. Interesting timing too, I wonder if anything would have been said if we'd have won today?
  16. Cabaye should just put out a statement at this stage stating what his intentions are.
  17. IF this is true (something more than "the chronicle understands" would be good then Cabaye is a disgrace and should be transfer listed at the value of 20million pounds and be left to rot.
  18. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Some of our fans are thick as fuck.
  19. Right and then we compare to clubs like Liverpool who have a manager with a philosophy and picks his side accordingly. We totally lack this every week we just throw 11 players on the pitch and hope for a miracle, it's a disgrace frankly.
  20. I'd be more interested in the opinion of someone with some football knowledge. Mick Lowes would probably be a good listen if you wanted info about pies and darts. Mick Lowes the same man that kisses Pardew's ass day in and day out and does nothing but toe the official line.
  21. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Personally speaking i feel it's important we express our dissatisfaction. Be nice to do it like men instead of bitchy little cowards. How should we do it then? At the game is the only chance the fans get to communicate with the club.
  22. r0cafella

    Papiss Cissé

    He needed service. He gets f*** all of it. That's only half the problem though. His hold up play has been discussed at length, but his movement isn't great at the moment and he doesn't look sharp at all. It's easy to blame a lack of creativity from other players, but I don't think he's particularly helping them either with his forward-play. His play outside the box is rubbish. We were told that when we signed him and we can't expect him to be something he's not. He's a poacher who shouldn't be starting if we don't plan to create chances for him. He has to actually look for the chances and make runs though, at the same time. He can't expect to just stand in the 18 yard box and have our creative players not only find him with a pass or a cross, but also completely remove any defenders that are marking him on his behalf. He's static as hell at the moment. He always goes too early, As soon as we get the ball he's off making a run hence all the offsides. The biggest problem we have is he doesn't drop into space and turn and run at the opposition either and because he's not quick we can't just play it down the flanks for him to chase.
  23. r0cafella

    Alan Pardew

    Personally speaking i feel it's important we express our dissatisfaction.
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