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jollof rice and pea

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Everything posted by jollof rice and pea

  1. Eloquent rather than insightful, puts him far above most tbf, BT had Sutton Savage and Sherwood on the sofa at the same time yesterday as a comparison
  2. Gea; Azpili Pique Ramos Marcelo; Busquets Modric Silva; Hazard Messi Neymar
  3. Fair play, but I'd like to see how many games they'd win without Zaha and Townsend. Not even mentioning Benteke even though he's better than anything we've got. horrific point
  4. West Ham fans must be very delighted at the moment The replies. "BRE⚒IT"
  5. Isn't this what Hodgson tried, 442 and Carroll. Until Italy's midfield four beat the shit out of England's midfield two.
  6. Stockpiling dm's makes sense if the plan is defend and counter, which it probably should be
  7. Is he not a Wilshire fan or
  8. His plan to sort out the Man U defence was getting Rio and Vidic to watch vids on super Jags, he warrants no pass on that. He shouldn't get a pas for Sociedad either, that seems to get written off like it was just an adventure abroad and he wasn't actually there to do a job.
  9. "Our" league is different they said, it'll be different here for Pep, its not like Spain and Germany where everyones rubbish and he can batter sides every week.
  10. I wonder what Merson's thoughts on him now are. Has he actually been asked about him since, surely hes held his hands up by now.
  11. Add Kane to the list of Bale RVP Aguero de Bruyne Rooney Suarez Hazard and Sanchez as players from "our league" the media have been desperate to push up there as being as good as Messi and Ron in the last five years.
  12. Because he's hard marra. Calling Kevin Ball a football legend is like having a favorite brick in your house
  13. Liked Winks willingness to try and pass through the lines tbh
  14. Just noticed they actually release bubbles when they score
  15. Must be so hard to resist smashing it in your own net in those situations
  16. Palace nailed on to be Southgates first job post England sacking
  17. Have no idea what Koemans trying to do with that team
  18. Whats city's best team? Sane and Gundogan would both start for me if fit
  19. What was Wengers thinking behind the three at the back switch, was it just trend following, sor many players out of position
  20. Described the two Silva's as powerful players. Literally stopped mid sentence to think of the best adjective to use, came up with that.
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