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jollof rice and pea

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Everything posted by jollof rice and pea

  1. Chester and rumours of Evans to Arsenal, could it be that Pulis may use actual fullbacks at fullback this year
  2. Surely she's capable of presenting it on her own though
  3. Yeah I hope Conte wins it and I think he will, but Man U would have a real shot if they ditched Rooney and stuck the flyers around Ibra
  4. Definitely influenced Gill into putting his mate at the front of the queue, this is like Moyes all over again.
  5. Ferguson has absolutely stitched them up.
  6. Absolute monster Pepe performance Benzema would've got the better of him though
  7. Papers will be gaggin to churn out some Greizmann to the Prem rumours tomorrow, good thing hes already signed the new deal.
  8. Fucking annoying when Ronaldo points at players he thinks other players should be closing down
  9. Is it me or is that just someone who looks a bit like Aguero
  10. He think's he's recreating Scholes by hitting that one pass out to Walker over and over and yet he's embarrassing himself and doing Scholes' brilliance a massive disservice.
  11. Noticeable that Italy stand out a mile among the top teams as the best coached, because he's an actual top coach, not just a guy who happens to be from that country or yesterdays man (Roy, del Bosque)
  12. Just a constant incoming stream of players who are simply 'quite good' at Liverpool the last few years.
  13. 'Lawro' getting absolutely schooled by some female Italian journo on Fivelive, having to resort to 'you never played the game'.
  14. Didn't really mean it as a compliment, more a 'looks good without contributing anything of note' context.
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