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Ankles Bennett

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Everything posted by Ankles Bennett

  1. I would be very happy to see Howe appointed if Emery rejects us.
  2. Would love to see the consortium blindside the media and introduce Simeone as our new manager! Not going to happen i know!!!
  3. My worry is that if we get relegated the epl will put in place an O&D test that the PIF can't satisfy when we win promotion back to the EPL and will be disqualified as a director which means PCP and the Reuben brothers will have to bankroll the club and the Reubens may not want that and PCP may not be able to bankroll us without tje PIF funding!!!
  4. But this squad won a lot of points towards the end of last season so its not as bad as some would make out. A decent manager will get them playing on the front foot. Jones is opting to8 defend and try to score on the break. Which to me smacks of a coach with limitations ala Bruce!!!
  5. What i understand is the mega rich American EPL owners have at some point sponsored politicians into power in the USA to further tjeir own ends, so please dont give me the separation from government argument!!!
  6. So the EPL have agrèed to a meeting with Amnesty regarding the O&D testprimarily aimed at putting pressure on the KSA. I do hope Amnesty realise that the EPL American owners hail from a country that regularly execute prisoners and treat ethnic minority citizens as second class citizens and dont get me started on the NRA!!!!
  7. Or in a Zoom meeting witj Amanda !
  8. Benitez would be able to organize our defence without buying in Jan as its basically the same players he left behind barring Bruce flogging our best footballing defender in Lejeune! As for breaking his contract if we offer Everton enough money they will release him from his contract!
  9. But these guys wont be breaking their contract if we buy out their contract!
  10. Never liked Palace since they permanentely crocked Tony Green. The best creative midfield player i have ever seen in the back and white!!!
  11. And there it is!!! a goal cpnceded at start of the 2nd half!!!
  12. Martinez please and bring in De Bruyne and Hazard !
  13. Ralf Rangnick or Allegri for me!
  14. I worry that this is all an attempt to draw the KSA into interfering with this so the EPL can argue the legal assurances are inadequate and so they will expel us from the EPL or deduct points that ensure we get relegated and are then refused promotion back into the EPL whilst the PIF hold majority ownership!!
  15. By restricting our short term ability to generate sponsorship "the enemy clubs" clearly want us to be relegated, then they will do their utmost to ensure we are never allowed back into the EPL on promotion!!!
  16. To be fair to him he "took one for the team" as spurs would probably have scored!!
  17. And Bruce who allegedly loves NUFC, refuses to accept that performances are his fault and waits to be sacked so he gets his £8m "reward" for litterally destroying NUFC!! As he said he never breaks a contract. Thats because he has made his living by getting sacked from all his jobs and having his contracts paid up! We are told Ashley paid £8m compo to sheff wednesday. Its unbelievable that this excuse for a football manager is going to cost NUFC £16m!!!!
  18. Has the plastic geordie resigned yet? No i thought not. What the f*ck was Ashley thinking giving him a contract that gives him a pay off of £8m if sacked!!!
  19. This is rubbish. At one point we all expected him to get an England call up!
  20. Have to say I'm very uncomfortable with people saying they "hate" Bruce! Hate is a very emotive word!!! I dislike him due to the teams results but i certainly don't hate him. I seem to recall hearing a story where some obscure celebrity was in Dubai having a meal and his card was rejected when trying to pay and Bruce who was also in the same restaurant paid his bill even though they had nevet met before, and also refused to allow repayment, so not the actions of a hateful person by any means !
  21. I think it was just a case of having a manager like Shankly who was way ahead of other managers who persuaded liverpool to speculate by buying the best talent from clubs that survived by selling their best players. This allowed Liverpool to dominate and even became profitable by selling their reserve players for large fees!
  22. Klopp suggesting we will build a super team with unlimited money and be a super team guaranteed a Champions league place. This after Liverpool spent the 70s and 80s buying up all the best talent from rival teams in the old first division so they could dominate domestic and european competitions! Pot calling the kettle black i think!!!
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