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Ankles Bennett

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Everything posted by Ankles Bennett

  1. He got sacked by Malaga cos they failed to finish in the top half of la liga. Sounds just the man for us.........
  2. Ankles Bennett

    John Carver

    Its definitely Carver because the fat man doesnt pay any regard to results as is evidenced by his failure to sack Parsnip after only 5 wins in 2014, up until his little purple patch of wins. All fat man looks at is the balance sheet. Carver is the cheapest option and is already in situ, plus we do have some good players coming back from injury, so the likes of De Jong, Aarons, Obertan, Abeid, Santon et al who were all showing good form before injury, will be like new signings during the January transfer window, so fat man will have allowed himself to be persuaded that Carver can give us a mid table finish even if Sissoko is sold. Mark my words well....this was decided the day they let Parsnip go to Palace. This talk about Garde, Laudrup et al is just media talk.
  3. It's got to be Carver for the simple reason that he also had an 8 year contract and Ashley won't want to pay his contract up. What he might do is give the job to Carver on a one year rolling contract to replace the 8 year contract. Carver will jump at the opportunity and Ashley can then get rid in the summer by paying up the remaining 6 months of his contract. A cheap way of getting out of the 8 year deal
  4. If pundits and Martinez think Cisse should have been shown a red card for elbowing Coleman, when are referees going to start dishing out red cards to defenders who manhandle forwards. Coleman had a vice like grip on Cisse's arm trying to prevent him from getting a run at the incoming cross. If refs start sending off the defenders who are the instigators of such occurrances, then forwards will cease trying to free themselves of illegal holding by the defender.
  5. I saw a woman commit suicide by jumping in front of the Birmingham to Euston express train way back in 1988. She literally exploded when the train hit her and the commuters waiting on the Hemel Hempstead platform were drenched in blood and gore. People were running around in hysterics. For some unexplicable reason, I had gone into the waiting room, when I normally stood right where she jumped in front of the train. I still recall it like it was yesterday even though it happened over 26 years ago. I dont suppose it will ever leave me....
  6. What gets me is any manager in this situation would recognise his failings and resign. We all know that Ashley will have to pay up the remainder of Parsnips 8 year contract. However. What if Parsnip has to pay up his remaining contract if he resigns? That could explain why he hasn't gone when most managers would have fallen on their sword!!!
  7. Can't say I blame Ashley now we have the new sky TV deal. The club is in the black but has to generate it's own funds from selling before buying. Ashley pockets £70m TV money each year. In the next 4 years he will have trousered £280 m which is close to what he paid plus the debt. Perhaps he will go in 4 years time which coincides with the end of Parsnips contract too!!!
  8. Alderwerield going to Southampton it seems. Can't see us signing anyone today tbh.
  9. As much as I dislike Pardew you lot want to give yourselves a hard kick up the ar*e for cheering palace when they score. Do you honestly think Pardew is going to resign over results? Cos he sure ain't going to get sacked with 5 years left on his contract.
  10. Boumsong was a french international!!!!!
  11. Lets not forget that we cant sign anyone until the transfer window opens on 1st July, although I have to confess I dont understand how we were able to sign Colback and Perez before 1st July. Perhaps they havent actually signed yet?
  12. Whats the odds on Parsnip signing Borini next
  13. What i cant understand about Ashley's apparent desire to piss off nufc fans because some random nufc twat(and he is a twat) threatened his daughter, is why doesnt he sell nufc, buy the mackems and pump billions into the club. Surely that would give hie ultimate satisfaction for threatening his family?
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