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Ankles Bennett

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Everything posted by Ankles Bennett

  1. Ffs Ashley swallow your pride and tell Bruce to Fuck off and offer Rafa whatever he wants to come back and save us !!!
  2. Well at least we know Bruce will be told to pack his bags tomorrow morning x
  3. I thought Staveley was going to get a 10% share for the work she does setting up and completing the takeover?
  4. I posted on here yesterday the question of whether Ashley would ask Rafa to come back on a short term contract etc and would be in situ as manager if the takeover goes through. Looks like its developed into a rumour overnight!
  5. If Ashley does sack Bruce, who do we think he will appoint as his replacement. Is it possible he would go to Rafa and say look I know we don't see eye to eye, but I'm going to be gone from this club soon. Will you accept a contract to the end of the season to keep the club in the EPL. If the takeover falls through, or we get relegated, and you cannot work with me, you can walk away at the end of the season. Keep us up and you get a bonus, and if the takeover goes through I know the consortium want you as manager so you will already be in situ for them. A possibility or just a dream!!!
  6. Alternatively he knows nothing yet and is just showing a bit of solidarity to the cause by liking the tweet.
  7. If passing legislation to allow real madrid tax breaks not afforded to most of the other La Liga clubs isn't a government bail out I dont know what is!
  8. The Spanish Government passed legislation way back in 1990 declaring Real Madrid to be a non for profit Sporting club owned by its members and therefore exempt from tax. This is how they are able to buy the best players as they don't have to pay tax. To be fair they also afforded the same privilege to Barca, Athletic Bilbao, and Osasuna, but that was probably so they couldn't be accused of favouring Real Madrid I heard that and he was Implying that proved they weren't legally separate. A government bailout doesn't prove they are of the same entity. The Spanish government bailed out Real Madrid when they were on the verge of going bust many years ago, and I believe its not the first time they have done so, but that doesn't mean the government and Real Madrid are the same entity! No they didn't. [emoji38] They did they bought the ground for millions and gave it back to them didn’t they? I remember they received a massive amount of illegal state subsidies a good few years ago but think they were forced to pay it all back? Firstly, it was the local government that bought the land off them not the actual Spanish government. Secondly they were forced to pay some of it back by the EU in illegal state aid but not the whole transaction. Thirdly, it affected several other clubs. https://www.ft.com/content/750e14a2-3f94-11e6-9f2c-36b487ebd80a
  9. I heard that and he was Implying that proved they weren't legally separate. A government bailout doesn't prove they are of the same entity. The Spanish government bailed out Real Madrid when they were on the verge of going bust many years ago, and I believe its not the first time they have done so, but that doesn't mean the government and Real Madrid are the same entity!
  10. So we have paid Bournemouth compensation for a ft coach who would probably have been sacked today .
  11. If it really was Bruce's idea to bring on Jones then fair play to him. I wont have a problem with Bruce if the team keep playing like that even if it's all down to Jones!
  12. I reckon Bruce is being undermined by the club to try and force a resignation. Once Jones is settled in they will put Bruce on gardening leave and promote Jones to head coach.
  13. So the media tell us that Ashley will only consider Bruce's position if, and only if, we drop into the bottom three, and that it will cost £1.5m severance pay to bin the waste of air. It beggars belief that owners don't stipulate in the manager/head coaches contracts that they can be sacked without compensation if the club drops into the bottom three after a certain number of games have been played, or maybe they do, and that is why Bruce wont be sacked until we drop into the bottom three.
  14. Several years ago i was once called into a meeting to provide some information affecting a change in social security benefits in the upcoming Chancellors budget. I was advised that only 6 people knew about this and I was warned to not even discuss it with my wife. Any leak would be easily traced. Needless to say I kept quiet until after the budget! The reason I post this is I cannot understand why anyone in the position I was in with confidential information would risk losing their job just to pass this information ergo I conclude that these itk's are just making it up as they go along!!!
  15. Her rage at wasting MP time during a pandemic is a bit rich aswell, she openly admits she sent a letter the 1st time round. I’m quite sure they have enough spare time to deal with multiple issues, and likewise govt ministers. She's on there for the sole purpose of boosting her social media profile, pure and simple and shes succeeded there I'll give her that. She's a solicitor (calls her lself a lawyer to make it sound more interesting even though Lawyer is just an American term for Solicitior). Literally the first word in her bio is "Solicitor", like. My apologies as I haven't seen her Bio for a while. She used to use the word Lawyer all the time when trying to underline her own importance. She is a lawyer. However all lawyers come to a crossroads eventually where they opt to either follow the solicitor path or the barrister path.
  16. How can MBS be charged with lopping someone's head off. Its the law of the land so its a judicial killing, the same as the USA who executed that woman in the gas chamber the other day, that's also a judicial killing. Should Trump be charged with murder, because he was the one that said executions in the USA should be resumed.
  17. More evidence for De Marco and co to show our takeover was subjected to far stricter scrutiny than any previous. I would have thought the government would have pushed for them to accept the bid. Premier league went to them.... I think they would, but the point is why did they feel they had to go to them. It’s meant to be a confidential process and if scrutiny of our takeover has been shown to be different to others, it all plays into the narrative that we have been treat differently. I expect to tell them that they are going to reject the bid and wanted to explain why (Piracy) or get more info on the buyers. Also we probably have been treated differently but I can't think of any club being bought while at the same time running an illegal sports stations that steals games. I'm still confused by this. Is it PIF that are illegally streaming games? Is this still going on? https://www.aljazeera.com/economy/2020/6/16/explainer-the-piracy-case-against-saudis-beoutq-channel Think we all know if the Saudis wanted to shut it down they could. Probably could have but its still got nothing to do with PIF. Separate legal entity which is what do marco is trying to prove. I suppose its a bit like having a limited company over here. I am the sole director and shareholder of my company, i earn its money, i spend it, i have complete control over the business, its direction and its finances. But legally, its separate to me. That's where a problem arises though surely. As the owners and directors test has to find the parties who are have control over said company. With PIF describing themselves as the sovereign wealth fund of the state then the state surely has control over PIF. So it doesn't really matter if it's a separate legal entity in itself in that respect. Exactly this. The Saudi state could turn round after the takeover and dissolve PIF and take over control of all the enterprises PIF entered into including control of NUFC!
  18. More evidence for De Marco and co to show our takeover was subjected to far stricter scrutiny than any previous. I would have thought the government would have pushed for them to accept the bid. Premier league went to them.... I think they would, but the point is why did they feel they had to go to them. It’s meant to be a confidential process and if scrutiny of our takeover has been shown to be different to others, it all plays into the narrative that we have been treat differently. They probably went to the FCO to let them know that they were about to p*ss of the Saudi royal family by knocking back their bid to buy NUFC due to the KSA pirating EPL games in the MENA region. They probably wanted to make sure it wasn't going to cause an international issue between the KSA and the UK government thyat might have a knock on effect on trade between the two countries. All above board in my view and good practice by the EPL!!
  19. You are wrong. They don't want a club that is anywhere near the Championship. They could easily buy one now without all the bother if that was the case. If we get relegated they most likely will decide to go for Leeds, they tick all the right boxes. One club city, fanatical fanbase like us, been in the doldrums for years like us, also the Reubens most likely have business interests in Leeds and Amanda is a born and bred Yorkshire lass, plus Leeds could probably be bought for a lot less than £350m!!!
  20. I didn't see it as I'd gone to put the kettle on, but There probably was seeing sheffirlds owner is a Saudi prince.
  21. Our midfield is disgusting. They either avoid the ball, pass it sideways to the nearest person to them or play it back. Every single one of them have no invention or desire to get the ball moving forward. That's why he picks 3 holding midfielders to protect our 5 man defense.
  22. or Arbitration says the Saudi's refusal to answer reasonable questions about ownership, means they fail the O&D test, however, the consortium will then be able to appeal against the decision.
  23. I like to think of myself as a realist when it comes to the takeover and have been sceptical ever since PIF "withdrew". Where are you getting the information that Masters has said arbitration has begun? Because he hasn't confirmed that in his letter today. He's confirmed the club (MA) has a legal case ongoing which we all knew already. Also, you should understand that when arbitration does start (if it hasn't already) that is a good thing. It is the only way the deal gets done. I'm still far from convinced it'll happen but imo the soundings of the last 3/4 days have been nothing but positive. It literally says on the 2nd page “(the club) has commenced arbitration proceedings with the Premier league” That is confirmation of the statement the club (MA) issued months ago after the PL confirmed to NCSL that the club has raised a legal case against them. It isn't confirmation that the arbitration hearing is underway. That is how I have interpreted anyway. That's my take on this also.
  24. They explained that it would not look good if we went to court without first of all trying Arbitration!
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