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Everything posted by Holloway

  1. Holloway

    Epic NUFC photos

    the knees have eyes
  2. no,because he made some tackles for us.
  3. Smith was by far a better finisher than Obertan will ever be,just not by the time he got his hands on us
  4. commentator on my coverage at 45 mins 'the Palace free kicks have been absolutely dreadful'
  5. little roary murmers when he got the ball filtering through
  6. The match going experience was way better then than shuffling through the twisty faced,silent majority now. So was snooker.
  7. http://i.imgur.com/u8bmCSyl.jpg brilliant read
  8. some decent counter attacking from us, and comedy defending,the fuck colo was doing out there
  9. I wish Piss Twaddle would try and hide his desperation for us to concede
  10. jog on, now that`s incisive, mincer.
  11. It would maybe have occurred to people if it was even the slightest bit in line with what actually happened. we all know what happened though. Are you going to carry on mincing about after him for years on end?
  12. haha you can sense all the patterns you want. Has it never occurred to you that your sweet prince or whatever you call him might just have been a bit desperate to get the fuck out of Newcastle in the end?
  13. how long are you going to give a fuck about it, do you have a little whimper every night before bed? Better players than him have fucked off out of their clubs, man
  14. Holloway

    John Carver

    when you read patter like`he couldn`t even point out Canada on a map` etc it makes you realse how the support has moved along with technology in the last ten years or so, such spineless comments man
  15. we`ll win 2-0, but it will be dirty and jammy and scrappy, a crime against football type win
  16. Holloway

    John Carver

    it doesn't matter what comes out of his mouth from now on, it'll be met with nothing but pure disdain. JC: "Been spending me Sunday afternoons reading to the sick bairns at the children's hospital." N-O: "Aye, bet you have you f***ing paedo f***ing c*** charlatan. c***." it`s hate by association now man, `this is the 2nd successive person in charge of the first team affairs that I hate so I`ll have to go back to hoping we lose till that situation improves`
  17. Holloway

    John Carver

    maybe seeing Pardew in action every week for all that time has shaped his opinions too, ie` I could do a better job than this fucker`. Equally as mad.
  18. Holloway

    John Carver

    Granted, but most expected it to be Carver knowing the area and affecting them, not them affecting him and him being a prick. Newcastle fan Carver being slaughtered on here for actually accepting the position handed to him on a plate. `if that cunt loves the club and has any self awareness about him he would dismiss it out of hand,realising he couldn`t possibly be up to the task` Piss your pants funny that,man
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