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Everything posted by Nattfare

  1. Nattfare

    John Carver

  2. Nattfare

    John Carver

    That alone shows the depth of detachment between Carver and the fans. The fans have always given Cabella a chance, have always backed his need for time to adjust and hope he will come good. The only person who has ever really had a go at Cabella is Pardew.
  3. Nattfare

    John Carver

    I remember when the Chronicle still had that football forum of theirs. Alan Oliver was always complained about so everyone were happy when he was gone. The appreciation for Lee Ryder however didn't last long. He posted links to his articles on the forum and did a bit posting too... but he was hounded out quite quickly.
  4. Nattfare

    John Carver

    Sports journalist of the year, wasn't he?
  5. Nattfare

    John Carver

    The only way for him to be in pole position is if there are no other contestants. Unless he's talking about pole dancing. The pole would most likely get stuck in a wrinkle, causing a spin to have a devastating effect and then the pole would break from his weight.
  6. I think I was 5'2" for quite a long time during my teens... then I never grew past that.
  7. Nattfare

    John Carver

    They will be completely speechless from watching his training sessions.
  8. Nattfare

    John Carver

    He probably charmed her over the phone by repeatedly hitting her over the head with it.
  9. Nattfare

    John Carver

    But at least Sir Hiss is refreshingly honest...
  10. Nattfare

    John Carver

    Well the fans have asked to be protected from Carver in turn.
  12. He won six in a row, right?
  13. Nattfare

    Graham Carr

    Gouffran is Pardew's greatest work. If there is anyone who can be defined as Pardewed it is him. He at least looked like a football player then, now he looks more like he is trying out the sport for the first time.
  14. Nattfare

    John Carver

    Did Carver ever play professionally? Can't be bothered to look it up He didn't. He had to retire early when he had a horrible accident from tripping on his tongue while chasing the ball.
  15. Nattfare

    Paul Dummett

  16. Anyone remember him being called Iron Mike last season? More like Tin Foil Mike.
  17. Nattfare

    John Carver

    The guy can't even manage his own temper, let alone managing a team.
  18. Nattfare

    Graham Carr

    Forrin DNA at work as per usual.
  19. Nattfare

    John Carver

    Class act that man.
  20. Nattfare

    John Carver

    http://www1.skysports.com/watch/video/9822800/carver-not-good-enough Them licks.
  21. Nattfare


    They'll probably roll out that plane again to try to cheer themselves up when they are relegated.
  22. Nattfare

    John Carver

    I wonder if he offered to met the fans behind the training ground later.
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