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Everything posted by number9shirt

  1. One day in 1996 I tuned in to football focus & they did indeed have breaking news on Newcastle United.... we'd signed Alan Shearer for a world record fee. 30 July 1996 was a Tuesday. Never known Football Focus to not be on a Saturday. I was on holiday in North Norfolk at the time & it was the 90's definitely no internet also no channel 5, could have been the Saturday before or around then, even could have been announced before it was completely official. The news of Shearer signing was broken to me by Gary Lineker. true story, a moment I will never forget. You forgot what day it was. It all came out on a week day the announcement. Remember us sitting at work getting f*** all done with hearing the news. I’ve never worked a Saturday in my life so was definitely not football focus with the big reveal. It was definitely Gary Lineker announcing Shearer signing, for me that's where I heard it.
  2. One day in 1996 I tuned in to football focus & they did indeed have breaking news on Newcastle United.... we'd signed Alan Shearer for a world record fee. 30 July 1996 was a Tuesday. Never known Football Focus to not be on a Saturday. I was on holiday in North Norfolk at the time & it was the 90's definitely no internet also no channel 5, could have been the Saturday before or around then, even could have been announced before it was completely official. The news of Shearer signing was broken to me by Gary Lineker. true story, a moment I will never forget.
  3. Amanda first showed up on the day we played Liverpool at home on the 1/10/17. I find it very hard to believe that in the three months since that the sale of our club hasn't been finalised or is incredibly close to being so.
  4. One day in 1996 I tuned in to football focus & they did indeed have breaking news on Newcastle United.... we'd signed Alan Shearer for a world record fee.
  5. Everyone remembers the return of Keegan for the fa cup replay against Stoke thousands paid on the door and the atmosphere was electric. Tomorrow's game is £10 adults £5 kids. Could be some good news very soon, more likely just wishful guessing.
  6. NUFC will not be owned by any one individual like now, it will be held in a holding company much like MASH Holdings or whatever its called, but money paid for the ownership of NUFC will come from various sources and not one man like Ashley that do not have to become public knowledge and may never. I imagine Stavely will be the Director of the holding company and NUFC will get a board with the real owners never fully becoming known. Basically the club will become an investment vehicle held by a company being fed by investors. Its all a bit shady, but not illegal. The higher up the business chain the more myriad it can be for tax reasons, to protect individuals and how they invest, why and whom to or what. Mike Ashley owns us now, but after the takeover no-one will own us. There will be no shareholders, just investors getting rid of money... Thanks, so the answer as to what needs to be made public and when is? When money gets paid to the holding company? (Guessing not), when they pay money to Ashley to purchase the club? (guessing this bit may need to be public as its a PLC?) or what stage things would need to be out there. Holding company is fed money from PCP's partners who in turn gives Mike Ashley his money with the holding company, well holding NUFC and all its assets on behalf of PCP's partners or rather investors. Can this all be done without any sort of business announcement being made? I know if we were on the stock exchange etc then an announcement would be needed, just not sure under our current ownership structure if legally something has to be said? A record at companies house will have to be made that MASH no longer has any controlling interest in NUFC with the name of the new holding company named in the records. That is all that is needed pretty much. You wont see the head of the Saudi family down as a director or anything for example It will be AS the director of the holding company along with her bloke and then its anyone's guess as to who owns us really... MASH no longer has any controlling interest in NUFC. control was moved to St James's holdings a while back mike's vehicle for buying & selling Newcastle United.
  7. First time they have taken the lead in the premier league under pards reign
  8. That decision is looking like a hideous own goal
  9. We need more wild speculation and comments that don't contribute to the thread. I was out shopping earlier & I just happened to make eye contact with a total stranger, all is clear now they knew I were telling me they knew. It happen.
  10. 0 goals conceded in our last 2 games
  11. Perez has been awful for a long time now, looks like up front is perfect for him
  12. Without Rafa this takeover would not be happening, his contacts lead to Staveley, that is a fact, don't forget it.
  13. I'm sure some wise pundit or ex manager said something like we'd rather lose 4-3 than win 1-0
  14. Saying things like "I'd rather us lose 10-0 trying" is exactly the myth we are trying to move away from
  15. I genuinely don't know what people were expecting to happen? It's not like we've rolled over. We had 13.5 % possession after 25 mins. What are you doing watching this if you expected this then? I support Newcastle United, that might be something to do with the fact I'm watching this
  16. I genuinely don't know what people were expecting to happen? It's not like we've rolled over. Also Neville is a c**t
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