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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. :lol: if things couldn't get any funnier, the shambles of a club are a laughing stock, enjoy it boys
  2. that thread has went beyond crazy that bloke is a fucking nut job he hates everything about Newcastle, absolute bigoted cunt who's not worth dialogue, horrible fucking cunt he is.
  3. an honest lad, but i won't shed a tear. good luck Vern
  4. https://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/which-club-has-the-most-arrogant-deluded-scummy-set-of-supporters.1370014/ wow, this is fucking hilarious. they are desperate
  5. They are fucking up another close season. Keep it up Marras
  6. He doesnt have to in truth.its a years loan ffs the big girl
  7. Just having a catch up, its difficult when you are a lower league team like Sunderland to attract anyone decent tbf. Never mind
  8. think you have a gambling problem
  9. Nah he fits the remit,,a cheap option. You can see this a mile off, cheap buys, loans, a couple of French guys,like ive earlier stated the aim is to survive and Rafa will play and build a team to survive , he looks ok and could be anything, he also could be shite. If Rafa has 70 million to spend it wont go far these days so this is the start of some underwhelming signings on paper,,its Rafas job to make them work. Weren't you fucking off until July? just on one thread........is that ok with you, weirdo
  10. Rafa only ever plays one striker so how will this work?
  11. Based on what? The lad isnt very good, headless chicken since i watched him in the reserves, never understood the way people raved at him.needs moving on.
  12. Nah he fits the remit,,a cheap option. You can see this a mile off, cheap buys, loans, a couple of French guys,like ive earlier stated the aim is to survive and Rafa will play and build a team to survive , he looks ok and could be anything, he also could be shite. If Rafa has 70 million to spend it wont go far these days so this is the start of some underwhelming signings on paper,,its Rafas job to make them work.
  13. he's a cunt still then fair do's
  14. No i still think he's a complete cunt and i fully expect him to piss Rafa off to the point of leaving at some point, then we'll be back to square one. This i fear too, its how he rolls, think back on his stupidity and think did he really give Smc 80 million quid? i don't think i will ever be a fan of the cunt, just wondered if others can ever see him anything other than a selfish bastard? Rafa's effect on the club have made me mellow but then i remember the 10 years gone
  15. soooooooooo.........don't think i can start a new thread as he has his own what do YOU think of MA now? has anyone mellowed towards him? i look around and see the state of some clubs, we are not in a bad position now, are you prepared to cut him some slack now ? me.........ermm a little, he lost a lot of fans for years, wasted big chances and made stupid football decisions its hard to trust him maybe that's the problem, dunno really just wondered how the rest of you feel about him RIGHT NOW.
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