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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. misses a few games due to illness, cant think what might hint at him looking at his health like. He is on the Pat and Mick a lot like. too many pasties
  2. your best 11 is fairly decent and the reason i think you will get out of it somehow, plus the fact that you will have 3 or 4 teams still within reach when Hull comes around and you get ya first win. ive learned before not to write yous off, we all know it on here so i wont get excited till the end of April
  3. He's had a few bad moments, but he's been so much better than Perez like. i'd dispute that, Perez will give you something but not a lot but a lot more than Diame judged on what ive seen of him ....Diame is a nothing player Don't think either will give much playing off Gayle. totally agree, but if i had to pick it would be Perez every single time, Diame is slow, doesnt tackle, cant pass, never runs into space, can't head a ball, hides most of the game, an absolute nothing of a player
  4. He's had a few bad moments, but he's been so much better than Perez like. i'd dispute that, Perez will give you something but not a lot but a lot more than Diame judged on what ive seen of him ....Diame is a nothing player What a load of shite. tell me whats the fuck is good about Diame? its not a load of shite, he's fucking garbage
  5. He's had a few bad moments, but he's been so much better than Perez like. i'd dispute that, Perez will give you something but not a lot but a lot more than Diame judged on what ive seen of him ....Diame is a nothing player
  6. why? we are banging them in without Mitro, im a fan but Gayle and this system can't be knocked
  7. Matchday. Stuck in Coventry.no tv and no local radio. Is the match online still blocked on radio newcastle? Its my only hope
  8. the wooden seats in the west stand, i remember thinking i was royalty when i got in for free to a reserve game. only the toffs went in the west stand seats
  9. http://www.readytogo.net/smb/threads/mags-on-here-starting-anti-safc-threads.1286843/page-2 fuck me this Dangermows is a bitter cunt, its the same patter week in week out, his hatred for us all the time consumes him and his life. it comedy gold on the groomers atm, god help them if they go down :frantic:
  10. as ever, theres dogshit around them so no one is pulling away, deep down we just know the turd wont flush
  11. im finding the whole premier league boring, thought i'd miss it. told my mate yesterday i didn't want to go up :lol:
  12. stay like this, will knock the confidence of hudders.
  13. Why should they care, scraping survival despite being an utter shower of sh*t year in, year out is their modus operandi. They're already looking forward to the '17th again' celebrations next May http://i2.chroniclelive.co.uk/incoming/article11329322.ece/ALTERNATES/s615/PENSHAW-SUNDERLAND-COLOURS.jpg Is it any wonder the likes of rapey to groom is such a headfuck at the minute? Their hated rivals are loving it in the 2nd tier, with a world class manager instilling a genuine feeling of embarking on a game-changing era. They're pissing about in the gutter as usual, trying desperately not to let their latest f*ck-up make the front pages rather than the back. It's going to be so sweet if we pass them in May. If - God willing - they drop, they aren't coming back up. The whole set up is rotten and when Ellis Short goes they're f*cked forever. fuck me they actually lit up that thing, i thought that was a pisstake, it really happened and they fly planes over us, karma, i can smell the revenge.
  14. Tbf its not a time for morals, which they have none of anyway. They are clammering for him now, hes their only hope
  15. Ok...... did anybody else think he had his best game for us in 2 years? Was i seeing things or was he breaking forward more? Tbf he was good yesterday
  16. The clamour for Mitro ? Let Rafa do it his way, results prove HE is right.
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