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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. just looked at the games coming up. they will be lucky to have 9 points come january the 1st :lol:
  2. theres a lot of merit in this, say what you like we did kickstart their season and helped massively time after time. that will have killed them today, Moyes must stay, Hull will be the game they win, draw or heaven forbid lose and they are down so early
  3. we must be 1/5 to win the league now surely? we will piss it 10.5
  4. thing with this guy is he keeps trying. love him
  5. i agree, it was a morgue today up until 2-0, anyhooo, easy easy easy. fuck me we are gonna walk this, no doubt about it, Goofy was my MOTM , incredible
  6. the fucking meltdown is hilarious. i was at the match and just burst out laughing when i heard the 94th minute winner . im enjoying the fun, but like others still think these cunts will find a way 94th minute :lol:
  7. you may just spawn a win...0-3
  8. fuck me these results keep going our way............... :frantic:
  9. The lack of toon threads is eerie
  10. Some of our fans continue to act pathetically, even after Rafa has said that we need to get behind the players. He's been here a couple of months and loads of people still think that telling someone they're shit is motivation. Ironically, if that were the case, tubes, shintonsghost and a few others would be the posting equivalents of Pele, but funnily enough being told they're shit hasn't improved them at all. Im criticising a £15 million player who is getting paid over a million quid a year, hes playing in an important dynamic position in a team but is offering fuck all. The deal is done, the money is wasted, although Perez has lost his way id say youd get more of everything out of him in that position. Hes not getting any better and i cant think of a single bit of contribution in the last 6/7 games hes played as a number "10"... He doesnt tackle, cant spot a pass, doesnt put their defence under pressure, win a ball in the air etc etc. Needs dropped, weakest link in the team by a distance. Hounding him out? Fuck me im a fan on the internet giving an opinion on what i watch .
  11. i still find it unbelievable why any of us are bothered by what the mackems think. its sad. Because they are our bitter rivals and its existed for years and years and still will as long as i have a hole in me arse.we hate them they hate us, we get bothered, they get bothered , its just rivalry no, i get all that. i hate them with a passion and have proudly passed this onto my kids, but its just that the example of the mackem post you gave above is so pointless, why get bothered by it? Fuck nars but we do
  12. its this................and the reason he gets stick is that the fucker is on a million a year for waltzing round pretending to be a footballer, absolute shitehawk
  13. i still find it unbelievable why any of us are bothered by what the mackems think. its sad. Because they are our bitter rivals and its existed for years and years and still will as long as i have a hole in me arse.we hate them they hate us, we get bothered, they get bothered , its just rivalry
  14. rivalry aside- it will be for the best, like us, a stint in re-hab detoxing the club. Their situation is a lot different to ours, as was mentioned we had Rafa, if they go down Moyes will have been sacked before that's happened. Unless they pick up a awesome replacement who will be happy to manage them in the championship. It'll not be a given that they'll bounce straight up. They don't really have very many big money generating potential sales, they might get 5 mill here and there for some of their players, but they'll find it difficult to generate any additional funds beyond the parachute payments. They are also not in as secure a financial place as we were. I am not being in anyway biased here at all but I honestly think our Championship squad has more quality and is deeper than their PL one. They absolutely can not afford to drop down, unless a new owner comes in and splashes the cash. Having said all that, I'm not sure at all that they will drop, despite the woeful start, one win and a draw could see them out of the zone, the bottom of the PL is pretty abysmal this year, once again they've lucked out. Burnley, Hull and Boro, the 3 promoted teams must be the worst 3 that have gone up in a number of years, I expect them all to drop straight down again. I agree with most of this.but a fully fit 11 v 11 and i do think they'd win, just, we have a championship squad and half a team that would do ok in PL , i fully expect if they can get out their first 11 they will be ok, but its getting that 11 out there, something we suffered from, put with Moyes looking shot to bits and it doesnt bode well thankfully. However we have written them off before so i just wont yet.fuck them, im enjoying life where we are.
  15. Another great job by almost everyone Top of the league , sounds great, the feel good factor is back
  16. gooooooooooooooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllllllllllllllll
  17. yet there are some on here who think he's been good He still didn't cost £15m. whatever he cost, a packet of fucking crisps would be too much for him, utter shite
  18. your best 11 is fairly decent and the reason i think you will get out of it somehow, plus the fact that you will have 3 or 4 teams still within reach when Hull comes around and you get ya first win. ive learned before not to write yous off, we all know it on here so i wont get excited till the end of April Best 11? Pickford Manquillo Kone Denayer Van Aanholt Cattermole NDong Borini Khazri Januzaj Defoe Doesn't fill me with much hope.. Defoe aside kirchoff? manone? i honestly think put them 2 in that team and 4th or 5th bottom easy
  19. Diame's form is very worrying. Why? cos he's £15m worth of nothing creative, nothing defensive, nothing ariel, nothing at all.
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