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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. Our trouble is "wee just divvent undastaaand" the RTG
  2. Love how over the last few weeks they have taken the piss out of us entering the johnstone paint trophy.... Well guess what...weve pulled out of the tin pot trophy and guess who have entered it... The Groomers AFC THATS WHO !! the gift that keeps on giving
  3. Are you taking up the offer of deleting your account on that wee forum you use?
  4. I always think if you shell out that sort of money there MUST be a player in there , keep him.play him
  5. I dont give a shiny Parity will be back one day.they know it
  6. anywhere near 14th is like europe to those knackers. they will stay classy though and hope for 15th cos its what they do, class club
  7. wow failed at his last jobs big style, dour cernt, they suit eachother
  8. That France game has put £15million on his price tag Rank kunt of a man.best rid
  9. Happy to get rid Now for Sissoko
  10. this guy http://s31.postimg.org/l0rqm6ecr/IMG_20160614_183251.jpg
  11. https://www.facebook.com/595030030572248/videos/1063231200418793/ Love the Welsh. From their accents (sounds like they're constantly singing) to their general jovial nature. Awesome people. what that video doesn't show is an England fan sparked out by the russians
  12. this gives you an idea of what REALLY happened https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZxXrjC_65I
  13. reports coming in an England fan has been killed after being pushed in front of an underground train in Marseille
  14. numbers, drink, revenge, p*ssed up English etc, lack of organised police.............its gonna be horrendous Paris was full of police in full armour and soliders. yes but aren't organised. this is not Paris
  15. look these Russians know the English are too pissed to fight, they are brutal, its not being policed like in England
  16. numbers, drink, revenge, pissed up English etc, lack of organised police.............its gonna be horrendous
  17. Russia play Slovakia in Lille, the same place most England fans are staying for the welsh game carnage :'(
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