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Everything posted by shintonsghost

  1. can't wait to send the plane over when these kunts go down
  2. 6 IN A ROW 6 IN A ROW ................6 IN A ROW :D :D
  3. :boomboom: :clap2: :bounce: :hello2: :wav: :wav: FUCK YOU RTG
  4. look at big fat sam, he's not got a fuking clue
  5. the fuking irony of the matchday thread on RTG is laughable fuking loving this
  6. i dont hate him, but i will love it love it if his shit run continues
  7. Nailed on isn't it Stoke will have point to prove too imo... These two see a change, again imo. 2 draws i think
  8. I'm sure they must've done more than that to get banned for life though!! Its pretty much impossible to get banned from anywhere in town for more than a few weeks (unless you get involved in fighting or serious vandalism I'd imagine.) They must have shouted it across the room at him to try and incite others to attack him, or maybe told the barman "I'm gonna go over there and start a riot" or summat. Can't believe any establishment in the city centre would be so stupid as to have him in there on that night in any case. Could very easily have ended up with no establishment left. not every one knows who the kunt is, he is infact a no mark skinny twat, best ignore them all, there all looking for bites cos they know what they are, an underclass of trampy kunts who's soul reason to exist is twisting at us. the RTG forum is full of early 20 year old mag haters and over 50's ex hoolies, areswipes the lot
  9. again god knows, think i will plump for a 3-3 draw and an aeroplane with 6 written somewhere
  10. im afraid we'd be the same in truth, we have to just take it mate its part of the hatred, i do predict a lot of disorder in the return fixture next march.i can see hell on in town before and after the match regardless of the result I am old enough to remember more than 3 years ago and what i saw we really werent the same at all. The minor fact that they dont dominate our every waking thought means after the laughter we moved on reasonably quickly. I sure as hell dont remember seeing endless photos of our fans holding fingers up to say we won 5 in a row either. no but we didnt have internet forums when i was a lad fueling hatred as well eh? ive been going since the 70's and never known some of the cuntish behaviour, albeit behind a keyboard, i just think it will kick off in March big style
  11. who the fuck would go drinking in sunlun? howay man
  12. im afraid we'd be the same in truth, we have to just take it mate its part of the hatred, i do predict a lot of disorder in the return fixture next march.i can see hell on in town before and after the match regardless of the result
  13. until recently thye considered themselves geordies, the irony
  14. lads, fuck them all.the RTG website is still full of all the shit, its like they live and breath 2 games a year. pray the horrible basads get relegated and we will fly that plane all fucking day over the fukers
  15. All I asked you for was the evidence which you are privy to and which the rest of us have not seen? You said there was no doubt in your mind that he'd had sex with the girl. I'm interested in what you have seen from the prosecution case which leads you to this conclusion? The fact that the CPS (not the police) have sent this to court is not an indication of his guilt. Thousands of people are found not guilty every year on cases which are put before the courts by the CPS. The gormless, ignorant supposition and hearsay which has surrounded this case is, at times, embarrassing, and does no favours to the otherwise sensible human beings who insist on repeating it. The case will be heard in February and we'll see what the '12 men good and true' decide. Until then almost every word spoken, typed, or written on the subject will be based almost entirely on ignorance of the facts, and skewed by something as meaningless as which football club you support. they don't need to prove he had sex with her, just intent fuck him the scrawny scroat, his team and its fans , fuck you all crack on
  16. we had 2 doing that yesterday, gini and sissoko both in my opinion were tremendous, the defense is the problem
  17. he ran the length of the pitch, aeroplane celebration......how the fuck is it gonna look? 1st class kunt who should have said and acted like the accused sex offender he is, quietly but no he had to run the length of the pitch and do what he did the vile human.........i bet a million quid he doesnt play at SJP. i hate him with a passion
  18. Sad little fuckers, tin pot club ,town whose only reason to live is to hate us. Sorry looking town full of scruffy twats, bottom of the league with a fat walrus face who will take them down .
  19. not nervous at all, weird, expecting the worst, hopeful of a point cos............. a point will kill the kunts
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