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Everything posted by tinoasprilla

  1. Schar seems sensible and intelligent enough to block out Bruce's guidance
  2. Seems an odd signing unless Yedelin is proper crocked
  3. Maybe they see the swedish guy as a right sided centre half in a three. Only schar is really comfortable there Sterry should have gone ages ago. Another example of giving out long contracts for no reason
  4. Good post and valid points. It does feel shit not supporting the players it's not their fault Ashley is a disease (apart from Colback). Hope team do well but Steve Bruce man what a fucking joke no matter how predictable it was. Feel for me dad too who is 71 he wont go because of Ashley. If people keep going it will never change Shame we can't find out how many ten quid tickets are flogged to foreign students. Deduct them and you might find out what the real crowd is
  5. Agree that dummet is gash. Hate the way he has to be square on to the ball to control it. Then his passing which to be fair has improved is still awful Plus hes always injured for half the season
  6. Yes. Dummett has missed half the season with injury every year with the exception of the championship
  7. Even 45k is a success when you think in the 90s we probably could have sold 70k. It's a move in right direction. I've a mate who has three season tickets for him and his two kids. He has paid for train tickets and a couple of us are giving him the refund so he wont be going vs Arsenal
  8. Doubt Matty Longstaff is first choice like. Hopefully he moves ahead of colback in the pecking order
  9. Could be five depends where dummett and Ritchie play Basically two attacking players though ?
  10. tinoasprilla

    Isaac Hayden

    Gayle upfront would be awful Not sure Schar would be great in a four at the back
  11. Shelvey drops back when we have clark, dummett and lascelles at the back players not great on the ball. From memory when shelvey played at the start of last season schar and lejeune weren't in the team plus it was mainly hoselu up front The season before when lejeune came into the team, Shelvey played his best football because he was able to play further forward knowing Lejeune could pass it out from the back
  12. I sent them a merchandising idea to raise much needed funds for players, repairs and updates to training ground. My idea was essentially for the club to produce mugs and shirts stating Mike Ashley is a cunt Not heard back yet like
  13. and he works on his own so he has nobody to help, poor fucka will probably have a heart attack like JK Be interesting to see how many other clubs out of the professional 92 only have 1 senior executive and no board members and how many have that senior executive who was an ex ticket office clerk or secretary I looked at other clubs in the Premier League to see what type of people they have running the club. Compared to Newcastle the likes of Everton and Leicester have an army of people behind the scenes running the club. They have many directors, executives and heads of departments in control of things from finance to communication. Is it any wonder Newcastle are so slow to do anything when they only have Charnley in charge who can't even do anything unless Ashley approves it. Begs the question even further, where the fuck does the money all go? We're not exceptional payers for our level, have skeletal staff in most areas, spend nothing on transfers, the academy and training facilties are primitive - everything is done on a shoestring. Yet we're living in the age of ridiculous TV money, us having one of the top 20 revenues in Europe, and season after season goes by without us either spending any significant money on anything or reporting profits at a level that really raise any eyebrows. It's dodgy as fuck. Nail on head and why he will never sell. NUFC is paying for Ashley's shit high street investments so he has no personal risk.
  14. Peter graves is a knob always acting the big lad in his half mast pants & shit pasties in the bars before the game. Anyone know where he got his degree in journalism from? I think all Newcastle fans should boycott sky sports unreal how biased their coverage is compared to BT or the BBC
  15. So Steve your 6th choice we really want you. Could you resign and we will give you an extra £50 quid for the transfer kitty
  16. Does anyone seriously think he'd have left if Rafa was still here? Any half decent player will be looking for a way out. £30m sounds like a lot but we'll waste it on poorly scouted £6m 21 yr old hopefuls. I barely gave the story a second glance tbh, just past caring at this point. He was making noises about leaving while Rafa was still here like Probably knew that Rafa would leave after being messed around by Ashley. Didn't take a genius to see what would happen and he seems a bright lad. I think he will be a huge miss for us
  17. I've just put a few quid on Fat Sam. With the Nolan bullshit can just see the excuse 'heading into the season it was essential we have an experienced manager, we are confident he can keep this quality group of players in the premiership's. No new signings but we have Colback an experienced English international returning to the squad
  18. He’s one of a board of many, people need to get over this obsession with him. His contacts and reach have been invaluable to the board over last six months. Wraith is like Dollars David Van Day trying to take over Bucks Fizz. He will put more off than he attracts. Blokes a muppet
  19. If Perez thought a takeover was happening he wouldn't go to Leicester. This confirms to me it's all bullshit
  20. Looking forward to Longstaffs release clause being activated that was set when he was still a glint in the milkman eye No takeover, no rafa, no perez, no rondon, no longstaff, no duvravka, no schar, no lascelles Looking forward to fat sam, colback and Hoselu next season
  21. The helicopter was probably picking perez up
  22. Contract should have been sorted last summer so China wasnt even an option. Mind if Schar or Almiron was off to china we would be calling them money grabbers
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