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Everything posted by tinoasprilla

  1. Almost as sick of Benitez as I am Ashley which is ridiculous. Why did he buy Schar or Muto or Murphy? Yet Joselu plays every week ?
  2. Benitez is not better than Robson. We finished 3rd with Dabizas and Any Obrien playing as our centre backs. Half the players in that team probably wouldn't get a game for Benitez. He would play Ritchie over a Robert type Which players are getting better under his coaching. Lascelles and possibly Shelvey (more disciplined) who else?
  3. It's not now and again. There are probably three types of managers. Those that are pragmatists like Benitez, Conte and Allardyce. They have a set system and players must conform to it or their out. Managers like Robson, Keegan. Wenger and Sarri that give players a platform to perform and adapt their style around the players. Then managers like Carved, Pardew and Kinnear who are just total clueless plums. In the pragmatist camp a number 10 Will struggle to flourish as the team don't attack. Not many options, runners around them so creativity is stifled get caught on the ball etc. Whilst Benitez is without doubt the best we have had for a long time. Gets the city and fans I personally don't like his approach. It's still preferable to the inevitable yes man dimwit that Ashley would replace him with
  4. I'd rather my centre forward scored goals than ran round like a moron chasing shadows whilst the rest of the team defend 50 yards back. The football we play is horrible and it was pretty bad in the championship
  5. Got to be worth a try! I wonder if pubs in Town would all put a large poster up drawing attention to it
  6. I got asked at work today by a guy who is a season ticket holder why I'm protesting. His view it's totally pointless and will make no difference. Too many fans are completely apathetic I'm all up for a peaceful pitch invasion. Everyone just walk on calmly sit down and refuse to move. Can't arrest everyone. Ideally do it on the early Sunday match so it knocks Sky's entire schedule Problem is you'd probably have three quarters of the crowd booing.
  7. tinoasprilla

    Isaac Hayden

    Championship player thought he had a chance of bring better clearly not
  8. No way will Brighton go down. We need to play our best eleven every week the same as we did the end of last season. Playing joselu and Murphy ahead of Rondon and Kennedy is asking for trouble
  9. Ashley is to blame end of. But picking that team was fucking pathetic
  10. He has never had any intention of selling. Do you know anyone who has had their car, business or house up for sale for ten years and not managed it? Even if Hitler was alive and living on the moon he would have sold his bungalow by now. It's just spin and lies. The chronicle and all who write in it are clueless
  11. Rafas single mindedness is one of his strongest assets but also one of his weaknesses. Mitrovic, Mbemba and Mbabu are all better than Gayle, Joselu, Manquillo, Dummett, Clark and a 30 year old Fernandez Like everyone he makes decisions which some agree with and others don't. I'm sure Bobby Robson told Shearer to stay within the width of the 18 yard box. Mitros instructions should have been the same to get the best out of him
  12. tinoasprilla

    Fabian Schär

    Played well prefer him to Clark
  13. He should have said all of this ten years ago as good as it is to hear it now. My memory may be failing with age I remember KK staying oddly quiet at the time. Which helped when he got compensation My memory could be wrong thoygh
  14. tinoasprilla


    When did Ali last have a decent game for England? Whether it's the system or not in the position he is playing doesn't deserve to be in the team
  15. If you put Colocini alongside the likes of Albert, Howey, Peacock, Robbie Elliot, Watson and Beresford you would have seen a much better player. I always thought he spent half his time bailing Williamson . Like a lot of players he played better in a better team Messi was pants in the world cup for Argentina was that him or the team around him? In Colocinis last season everyone looked garbage with Super Mac in charge
  16. Got no chance with Clark playing behind him. No movement in the team so he gets caught on the ball as he doesn't just pass for the sake of it
  17. Howey and Warburton class. The fat bloke asking the questions needs to take a look in the mirror and not just for his ill fitting jacket and Dunlop black flash
  18. tinoasprilla

    Jacob Murphy

    Needs a run of games should have started tonight
  19. I'd go Arsenal too they lack size in midfield and Emery likes a bit of experience he had motta at PSG
  20. Looking forward to watching him in Champions League group stages. Looks a class act
  21. Said it last season in 2 or 3 years time Mitrovic will be playing at a top, top club whereas Gayle will be at somewhere like Charlton in Division 1 and Joselu at some bizarre club in the Far East. Whereas Rafa is without a doubt a quality manager and the best since Robson some of his decisions are mind blowing For the record I think mbemba will end up being top class too
  22. With an International break coming up we should be playing a first team X1 in this. Not like we have a team full of Internationals and every got a rest on Sunday as we only played in one half of the pitch
  23. I'd play Dubravka Sterry Fernandez Schar Lazar Murphy Diame Ki Atsu Perez Mutu
  24. It’s a bullshit argument. It’s worked for him pretty much at every other club other than Newcastle. Possibly due to working with two clowns before finally working with a proper coach, who unfortunately was prepared to sacrifice an obvious way to score goals in order to contain decent teams for 70% of matches. Totally agree
  25. This goal difference thing is bullshit too. You get 3 points for a win and none for your goal difference. It's not being clever it's being ultra negative and handing the initiative to the opposition. Also means you don't use the crowd
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