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Everything posted by OCK

  1. Not the mous again ffs. More mous than you could Sheik a bag of Haribos at.
  2. Better than reading about bacon sarnies and sonias flange tho You end up reading about those anyway with all the stupid pop up ads, sponsored links, Lee Ryder's face and general computer diseases the Chronicle website inflicts upon your machine.
  3. It happens every transfer window, a random takeover bid appears and then nothing.
  4. I'm coming around some of your houses and unplugging the internet, it's for your own good.
  5. Aye, I'm sure Christmas Day has no affect on the stock market. Or Black Friday.
  6. Some bloke from Abu Dhabi just asked if I could borrow him a quid till Friday.
  7. They're going to fly over Newcastle and letterbomb £100 notes. This is legit, my sources have told me this will happen on Friday, as proof of their funds.
  8. Heard someone down the road can't sell out their games, not even a trip to 'Wembly'. They might want to rent their place for some extra needed cash if we're interested.
  9. This is another classic Mike Ashley smoke screen, man.
  10. Fortunately Our new overlords don't need wheels on their flying carpets Will Smith as genie our new mascot Getting Miggy with it? Nah, I know. Fresh Prince of Bellend more like. Read that as 'Fresh Prince of Wallsend'.
  11. Probably near some shitty industrial estate or something full of Sports Direct shops.
  12. statement from group involved: "we're buying it, it's done." everyone: "yaaay i'mma nut in an eclair!!" local clueless journo: "what about all this stuff that I'm throwing against the wall hoping desperately it will stick so i'll look like I knew something?" everyone: "oh wow I guess it's all over huh, well it was fun while it lasted, time for the sweet hereafter." it happen mike. I've decided I'd rather be right than enjoy soccer. It's a bad look.
  13. OCK


    Probably in an ice bath somewhere, I heard he was prone to combustion.
  14. This will end up being the biggest wind up ever.
  15. I still don't believe it.
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