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Everything posted by OCK

  1. 'Weak' Pen, but they've been given this season. We'd be furious if that was against us.
  2. Anderrson and Cardone for me
  3. OCK

    The Title Race

    If only Liverpool had earned more points than City, they'd top of the league.
  4. I can't believe pundits still think he is the best goalkeeper in the world. Ter Stegen and Oblak are the best in the world a the moment. Don't forget our Greg[/member] too
  5. This is going to go the last game of the season. Nice.
  6. No booking for that. Interesting.
  7. Sounds to me like he doesn't like to stick the boot in. Rubbish. Bin him.
  8. That's where he carries all his Man U DNA.
  9. Ted Bundy sure looks a lot like Zac Efron.
  10. OCK

    The Title Race

    Not bothered. I just want plastic straws back at McDonalds.
  11. OCK

    NUFC finances

    We’re not in debt. He owns the club, it’s his debt not the clubs. A club can’t be in debt to it’s owner, that’s just bullshit I don't know about you, but I learned everything I need to know about finance from the internet. I'm a bit of an expert. Due to booking fees, and your cheek, we're now in even more debt.
  12. OCK

    NUFC finances

    Due to admin fees we're now in even more debt.
  13. Love that Man U are just like every other club now. I might not want to have admitted it at the time, but Sir Alex Ferguson was on another level. The only way they'll get back to that domination is with a time machine, I hope they enjoyed it while it lasted. Just look how long its taken Liverpool to reclaim even a small part of their dominance.
  14. Still one less than Mitrovich. Stupid Perez.
  15. This guy always seems to have a hot streak after Feb.
  16. OCK


    James Coppinger hattrick, please.
  17. Pogba has to be the definition of 'Luxury' player.
  18. OCK

    St James' Park

    They better keep the slope in its original form, or I'll be protesting and voting for BRexiT.
  19. OCK


    Some of them legit believe that we're jealous of their club, man. That they have an owner who tries, that they play good football, and are going to Wembley. I'm just like... nah, you're alright.
  20. OCK

    Joey Barton

    The Arsenal 4-4 is peak Joey Barton. Wound the hell out of Arsenal, got a player sent off, won a penalty. All the dirty off the ball stuff you'd do in Sunday League.
  21. OCK


    It does have a decent laser quest in all fairness.
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