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Everything posted by MagMal

  1. Part of the problem for me is this stupid obsession we have with the England captain, at international level everyone should be a leader and the captaincy should be depending on the opposition or occasion but we tie ourselves into this position that we can't drop a player because he wears an armband. If that player is then a striker you have to play to him regardless of the other players or his form or the public and papers go made. As a result of that we have lost all abilities to have a play B or C as Kane can only play in one system and he is there to get the goals to win games, if the captain was in midfield, defence or even the keeper (not pickford) the team would have more flexibility on tactics.
  2. He won't change the tactics we have seen it in previous tournaments. He keeps playing the same players and formation and by the time we get to the knockout games Kane is knackered and half injured as the opposition know all they have to do is stop him.the second have against Croatia he should have been off and against Italy he was done after 20 minutes. The over reliance on him costs us, yes he's a good player, even though I don't like him, but that is more from the fact that any team that plays him becomes so in flexible as they have got to play off him and it slows the game down, we are too predictable.
  3. Shit game, US looked a good team but we have no plan B and are so predictable to play against, Southgate picking all his favourites makes the other team's job easy
  4. Kane is a twat, stands in front of the keep, then instead of closing down the defender who has the ball he just runs back into midfield
  5. Ffs does Kane want to be a midfielder, attacks keep breaking down as he isn't up front and he just slows the game down dropping deep, sick of the mouth breather
  6. So the gays can't go to the game but they let that fucker in with the trumpet, some seriously wrong priorities there!
  7. Why is everyone having two defender either side of the keeper when he takes a kick, a few teams have been doing it, is it some new super tactics
  8. Ffs putting Henderson on against a team that are smashing us for fitness and pace
  9. Played for the penalty and the defender fell for it, now we have the Welsh wankfest
  10. Going to go for a Yankie win, purely because I can't be arsed with all the Bale wankfest in the media if Wales win, and Dan Biggar is a twat in the rugby
  11. I quite like the BBC pundit line up, ex pros who know the games, female presenters there again for their knowledge not as a token, good looking as well?, even Dion Dublin isn't too bad, can't wait to see what knuckle dragging retards ITV wheel out, probably Joe Cole who can't even speak English!
  12. Those paid Qatar fans are really going to have to earn their dollars now, the pitch looks nice mind for the middle of the desert
  13. To be fair there have been far worse games at previous world cups, wow nice header
  14. What's the chance Petr Cech suddenly finds a Qatari grandmother in time for the next game and comes out of retirement, while all the Qatar goalkeepers get injured after a big brown envelope gets delivered to his house
  15. I can't wait to see Qatar win the WC it is going to be the funniest WC ever
  16. Ffs are they still building the set while the BBC broadcasts, what's that tapping noise?
  17. Still fifth, had a crap week and have dropped from the top of my work league ?
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