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Everything posted by MagMal

  1. Frustrating game, the whole team is playing at about 6/10 and mainly controlling the game, but they are missing the obvious quality of the lads not in the team to take advantage of it.
  2. That's the problem at the moment no other option, it won't always be like that, just impatient for the upgrades
  3. Longstaff is donky bollocks, not sure what Eddie sees in him, passes are rubbish, doesn't take any ownership on the pitch.
  4. Pedro, a young CM and an out of the blue back up keeper from Germany ?
  5. Sleep tight sweet Prince, we will see you in January ?
  6. MagMal

    João Pedro

    Ando is Romano ???
  7. Bloody bin dippers, can't even keep the Manchester laugh in happening, they need to pull their finger out and get a couple to draw this.
  8. I was talking to a guy today who know a professional rugby player, apparently the players set themselves up as LTD companies to fiddle the tax, I.e. no 45% high income tax, I would be very surprised if the footballers don't do the same.
  9. Heading into the Toon for this one, years since I have been there on the drink and especially on match day, can't wait??
  10. I woukd be happy with 6th to 8th but a lot depends on how the other clubs perform and if we get some more forwards in.
  11. Fair play if he has got a pay rise out if this, can't help but think this might be shortsighted as can't see Leicester been more than a 8-10 club long term, but if he is happy and settled then good luck to him
  12. The only good thing about this is if Chelsea sign him, the inactivity at Leicester, the supposed grumbling from Rodgers, the loss of Kasper all points to Leicester having a poor season, if that happens and maddison doesn't sign an extension then you can see him pushing for a move in January, we just need to be in an attractive position in the league to tempt him, and his value might drop.
  13. Cheating bastards, and people are upset about our potential spending, the sooner we smash the top six the better and the sweeter those salty tears will taste ?
  14. Where the fuck do Chelsea keep getting money from, did the new guys just get the club for free?
  15. Just been on a foxes forum, they seem fairly confident of keeping him, reason's include he has just had a kid, settled in the area, has a big house and who the fuck are Newcastle!, they are all saying he is worth north of £100m, there are one or two who seem a bit worried but I don't think they see us as a rival......yet ?
  16. Could this be that our boy has put in a transfer request as was speculated the other week, we have put in £30m bid and they are trying to flush out bigger bids?, ?
  17. Nnnnnnnooooooooooo, waste of space and a liability don't give him a squad number and peddle him to a newly promoted side
  18. While it might not be glamorous we do need to accept we do need some 7/10 squad players, or we run the risk of been a modern day '90's boro with Phil Stamp lining up with Ravinelli!.
  19. I quite like that, I always did have a thing for the single diagonal stripes that some clubs had
  20. MagMal

    Matt Targett

    A good player for decent money in today's terms, and a yellow transfer ticker, not a bad day for a Wednesday!
  21. MagMal

    Fixtures (2022/23)

    First Day: Man City {A} Boxing Day: Liverpool {A} Last Day: Chelsea {A} We will get shafted on all the big dates!!
  22. I wish I could have seen Bruce's fat mug when he found out Eddie has been nominated
  23. Balls to Luton then, and Nick Owen can do one ?
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