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Everything posted by MagMal

  1. Tucked out, long sleeves and half the time socks half way down my shin pads!, I remember one ref who kept telling me to pull my socks up. I was right footed and either played as a nippy left winger cutting in and scoring a few goals or Stu Pierce style left back flipping people up in the air, I'm only 5'7" so pretty much used to launch myself into tackles, f'ing used to love playing until beer and fags ?
  2. Woo woo, just checked the NO league, up to third?
  3. I love the 80's badge, I wish they would bring it back on the kit
  4. Just swapped out Bruno for Miggy after weeks of holding on for Bruno to start scoring, sorry everyone for screwing up Miggys form
  5. Swapped out a couple of my subs this week to get some money in the bank ahead of dropping out Jesus next week if he doesn't start scoring soon.
  6. Get in, I was a kid in the 80's so have a soft spot for forest, also had some great craic with some if their vans on the train home from the opening day game. I hope they stay up and it will be great lapping up all those salty scouse tears all weekend
  7. Didn't really get going, but still won. Need to improve against better teams and we still need a good few upgrades if we want to full control games against dross like this.
  8. Get longstaff and Murphy off, put shelvey and Anderson on, drop three into the middle and Anderson behind wilson, need to get the midfield under control
  9. I know Joe was on a yellow but they seem to be getting a lot more space in the middle
  10. T rex kicking off at half time, gimpy twat
  11. Horrible cunts, the yellow cards are going to build up and fuck us over at some point all because fat frank can't coach a team to play football and just roll around
  12. A lot better, and the crowd have woken up
  13. Miggy!!!!, still shit at creating chances though ?
  14. A bit of a borefest this, we are too weak out wide against their defence
  15. Possibly because we have zero options and Eddie knows that, as we get better players I am confident we will see more in game management and adapting to the opposition, but hand on heat I don't think any of our bench or some of the players who started are up to changing the formation mid game.
  16. We aren't going to become champions league contenders in a season and the takeover happened less than a year ago. Yes I am frustrated that we keep drawing games, yes maybe my expectations have been raised a bit higher than they should be, yes I still think we will finish in the top eight. This is just a long bump in the road that I am sure we will overcome, there is some talent in the squad but there is also some dross, 'boro from the ravinelli years springs to mind, we are light years away from Bruce's side but we still have a long way to go, January will see more investment and I am sure we will improve year on year, when was the last time we could say that?.
  17. Games like this when you realise that despite all the improvements etc half the squad is still shite
  18. Happy enough with this, if the guy can sort his confidence and head out he could be a good asset and push Pope which will keep him sharp. My concern is that all that stuff with Liverpool was a few years ago and he does seem to have struggled since, are the mental scars too deep?. I hope not as we could have picked up a good player for nowt, and if he does get his form back and Eddie sorts him out then you would expect him to become quite loyal to the club and be a good long term player for us.
  19. I would laugh my cock off if he dropped that fullback they paid millions for
  20. Actual window 8.5/10 Newly minted self entitled, delusion fantasy fan window, 6/10
  21. Gutted at the end but on the plus side we have had some hard games in the first 5, September fixtures look a lot better and we have a good base to build on and a good team ethic. I can see us going on a run of wins and moving back up the table.
  22. So was the lass on BBC radio, she couldn't wait for them to score
  23. Triple captained him tonight, I hope he hits another hat trick!
  24. I think he has started to come round to Eddie's way of thinking, team before individual, and he is starting to look better for it. He was given too much leeway under Bruce and it has taken him a while to adjust to not been the loose cannon, match winning main man. I think if he continues this could be a really good season for him and if he keeps it up he could be an outside bet for a world Cup place.
  25. Deserved equaliser, not a great game and once again highlights our lack of squad depth but don't think we deserve to loose this
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