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Everything posted by llcoolc157
Great signing this one… is he better than what we’ve got in the overall squad, definitely…. Remember when we signed Joey Barton, no one had more baggage than him and he ended up quite popular didn’t he… Gordon will be one of those players you love to have in your own team but can’t stand him playing against you… Things just keep getting better at this club… Howay the Lads!!!!!!!
Would love to see Wood go on a scoring run that ends up sending the scouse Mackams down…. That would be a nice outcome…
I’ll raise you with Mike Larnach….
Great business this…. Wood did a job for us last season, we stayed up and we’ve kicked on much more than we could have hoped for this season… In previous years we would have held onto him until his contract ran out whether he was in the starting line up or not… so he leaves with only good wishes and the best of luck… it’s now a case of buying better than what we’ve currently got and that includes every player in the squad, not just Wood… This is ownership we can really trust and we know every decision they make is simply for this club and team to be more competitive and win trophies… Exciting times ahead…..
This thread is still going strong and has to be one of the all time classics, even for RTG standards, I kid you not…. The amount of absolute shite being typed is comedy gold… Even that infamous, Chelsea hardman and hooligan makes a guest appearance ‘Jason Marriner in peyce’.. As the thread gathers momentum Skylon, Lumber and Rubberface have morphed into Bexy, The Yeti and Bovver whilst elsewhere internal battles are raging between the Vauxies and Casualties… All the cliches are readily available for your perusal… ‘they got slapped’, ‘too many polis’, ‘we stood our ground’. A personal favourite of mine was the 10 v 200 standoff. This was later reduced to 8 by someone ‘in the know’ so not sure where the other 2 went… it’s bullshit bingo at its finest.. This also provides a fascinating insight into these lunatics as you can also start to guess the age which is rather amusing… Notably there’s very few RTG contributors condemning such behaviour which disappoints me somewhat, considering they are after all the classiest fans in the country… aren’t they?
A strange bunch indeed… They hate ‘Washington Mags’ and ‘Durham Mags’ yet happily accept Northumbrian Mackems… They hate everything about our fine city yet choose to live and work here… They all have ‘Mag at work’ colleagues who talk shite (unless these stories are made up of course to drive RTG fewm ?) Everybody they meet either on holiday or from various parts of the country hates us with a passion yet loves them.. personally never encountered any such folk but it must be true… ‘Mag mates’ can be decent lads as long as they don’t talk about football… They mock attendances, match atmospheres and displays which are far superior to their own… And now they appear to be placing bets on us winning the cup to achieve some kind of psychological balance if we do… so glad I’m not one of them….
Any made up ‘Mag at work’ stories yet? Don’t disappoint me, please….
I’ve heard they’re thinking about renaming RTG the Fulwell End… Apparently it’s being over run by Geordies taking the piss…
the fans of massive lads are all fighting amongst themselves now… alliances are being formed and friendships forever broken… RTG is a hostile place as we speak… so let’s take a look at who we’ve got… 1) a good number (and on the increase) that freely admit all this outrage is only about us and no one gave a monkeys chuff about human rights previously 2) those that think the match probably shouldn’t have been arranged but wtf, just crack on anyway 3) a number that feel compromised ie not really arsed but desperate to save face for fear of sounding hypocritical 4) those with strong feelings against all things Saudi.. 5) and then we have the regular mob who have completely lost the plot and are having a total meltdown ie Skylon who’s new Sunderland sportswash thread has been brilliantly ridiculed by his own…. And to top it all the mackam communication person has just put an out of office message on and decided to fuck off for 2 weeks which has added to the levels of fyewm.. It’s gonna get worse, they’re quoting all sorts of statistics, poll results, averages and insights…. might need to keep a close eye on some of these, they really are on the edge.. Can you dig it…….
My lad fought in several tours of Afghanistan and Iraq.. he wears a poppy as do I.. I’d quite happily meet this fuckin gimp mask at a cenotaph of his choice to discuss his views on the subject…
Quality thread called ‘South Stand Muppets’…. It starts with someone criticising their own fans… which is somewhat strange as I understood they all had far more class than every other club in the whole wide world… By page 16 however things have taken a turn for the worse and 2 of them are gearing up for a punch up… Need to have your wits about you as its getting proper naughty over there and I don’t even think the Sunderland Yoof are involved yet… Fuck that I ain’t hanging around…I’m getting out of there quick…
As far as I can recall, I’ve never thrown a gay person off a building. I’ve never stoned someone, be headed anyone or laid one finger on a Yemeni child… I’ve also never sang a song in support of George Ormond… And for these reasons I like to think my conscience is pretty clear.. Now correct me if I’m wrong but I’m sure hundreds if not thousands of their fans, on more than one occasion, chanted in support of Johnson, irrespective of whether he’d been charged or not, but fully understanding what he was actually in the frame for… and therefore taking the piss out of some poor girl who incidentally was one of their young fans… I simply can’t get my head around the moral hypocrisy of that gang of RTG idiots…. it really does beggar belief…
Excile is like a kid desperately trying to impress his equally pointless mates, the soft shite at the bottom of the food chain who gets bullied into doing things.. The rest are the outcasts at school who formed a shit gang with an equally shit name.. like the MLFs… a group of self opinionated tossers who’ve never been to an away match before… They wouldn’t be out of place in the Viz, this team of knackers… Dan the Mackam football fan and his fyumin wanker marras.. “Wheeze excile… gan owa thee and hoy yer fingers up at those mag twats…” “Fuck off ye washy mag twats” “Haha… what deyar think o that lads” “Ah dinnar excile yeya fuckin mad one yeya” “Aye ah kna jlaws, mental me marra” As he turns around and gets lamped while the marras leg it…
Another observation if I may…. appreciate some of these lunatics may originate from Newcastle but Christ, they hate us using the word Geordie don’t they…it’s like something else that makes them feel inferior… hence their adoption of the word Mackem… the older ones from Sunderland fuckin hate the word and won’t be associated with it.. Imagine the meltdown if this discussion appeared on that daft forum… exile and sofatester going head to head in a weeezyeyaside death match… Personally I blame the 1993ers…
That’s exactly what I can’t understand. Mackem was always a derogatory term that we used for them…. Just shows how fucked up they are when they choose it as a nickname…
1984 v Liverpool FA Cup 3rd Round Geordie invasion of Merseyside… what a night, just a pity about the match really… And the all time classic echoing from the Anfield Road End ‘we all agree, Oz is harder than Yosser’… piss taking at its finest back in the day…
Had a look at that RTG site and can’t work out if it’s comedy gold or if I genuinely feel sympathy for some of the contributors… I mean, you would think some of these angry lunatics must be slightly maturing gents with families… ’Hi dad, had a good day’ ’weeze yeya son, FTM that’s all that counts son…FTM!!!’ ‘Aye ok dad, how was work’ ’work son…. Fuckin mag at work son… reckons they’re gonna win the title’ ’but you don’t work with any mags dad’ ’not the fuckin poynt marra… cos if a did they’d be delewded, fuckin 1992 and aaal that’ ’why not just focus on sunnnluunn dad’ ‘Eh… what for like.. and let them up the road off the huwk man for the atrocities they’ve been causing since October 21… bisto gravy horse punchers man’ ’howay dad log off now’ ’log off…. Log off….. MAG!!!!’
Didn't their own chairman Tom Cowie publicly state he wished sunderland fans were as good as Newcastle's? Sure that was before 1992 too....
Would Liverpool, Man Utd, Rangers or any other big club stand around and watch while their club is dragged down by a tw@t of an owner? The simple answer is No... We are absolutely crap at protesting man... Singing Ashley out followed by who's that team we all adore followed by where's the money gone followed by we love you newcastle... Load of bollocks.... If you want change do something about it instead of standing outside shops.... Last 5 minutes of a match, get on the pitch man... Can't deal with a few thousand can they?
Some people (all of us apparently) spat at him when he was England manager and didn't call up Keegan. Or something along those lines. Weren't we all sunderland fans back then though, pre 1992? This is true. I remember sitting in the old Fulwell Stand with my dad and brother cheering on our red and white heroes. We were all massive lads fans. Then Keegan came along and we all went to support them instead. Me 2. I was a MASSIVE lads fan until Keegan came along, then i f***ed them off and started supporting us mags. Me too... And along with everyone else in weeeezeyeyerside I hated being called a Mackem back then...
Heard Graham Rix is available.... He'd be welcomed with Messiah status by the wheezeyeyersider faithful.....